
I want to bring some of my homebrew to TBF from the lowlands of Missouri. Does anyone know if there would be any problem with transporting it into higher elevations? It will be in 5 litre keglets.
Is there any kind of homebrewers gathering during TBF? Yes, I’m a Festivirgi :cheersn!

Where are you camping/staying?
We always have a homebrew tasting event in Town Park the Tuesday before festival.
Will you be there then? You’re welcome to join in. :cheers

We arrive Monday and are staying in Mtn. Village. Would LOVE to join you! Send along ssome details wwhen you can. We cannot wait to get there. What is the beer scene during the festival?

The only beer in the festival grounds is at the New Belgium beer tent.
You aren’t allowed to bring any in.
Before the festival starts you can come into Town Park to visit, but once the festival starts you need a Town Park wristband to get in.
We’ll also have a birthday bash at Smuggler’s brewpub on Monday afternoon.
Come on by and join us. I’ll post more of the activities later. :flower

Who’s B-day are we celebrating?

:wave We’re celebrating your birthday… Don’t be late…


Funny you should say that, my b-day was last friday!

It’s EVERYBODY’S Birthday Bash at Smugglers! Can’t wait to celebrate!

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Got to make it this year!! :cheers

Well… not EVERYBODY. Just those of us having birthdays that fall in 2009

Quit picking on Her Courtness. :evil It could get you banned from “Mardi Grass”!

Hmmm I Lost sumpthing somewere ??

Her Courtness has a birthday each and every February 29th and every year at Smggler’s, just like the rest of us! :thumbsup

Get it Ron? :wink:

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

A duh … ok TY !
I was just confused … Or Cocktailed … not sure which

And here I thought Courtney just partied 4 times as hard a quarter as often