Home is not where the heart is

Arrived back in Australia this morning but I still feel that I should be in my real home back in Telluride. Thank you to everyone who worked hard to make this a very special festival.

Extra big shout out to Bevin and the wonderful Duk Tape camp. The “ international hosting” component is done with such generosity and love. We visitors from overseas felt very lucky to be included in this event.

The music was truly world class. I cried twice during sets.

See you all again soon, it was magical.

That’s Bevin … generosity and love!

I hope your dollar increases against ours so you can come back next year for Sammy’s 45th!

So glad you felt at home in Kamp DukTape and that you were comfortable and warm for your first big camping expedition in Town Park. Of course you know you’re welcome back any time. Can’t wait to see you again! :love