High School Campground

My wife and I have been to TBF several times as freewheelin’ fun havin’ singles and as a couple. Mostly camping, and in a condo…well, we now have a 2 year old, adventurous son. We have the option of taking our pop up to Ilium or camping at the high school in a tent, we are OK with either, but would rather be closer to town. Does any one have any experience in the High School campground? For example, if we put the boy to bed at 8:00 and sit under our tarp quietly with a glass of the grape juice in a discreet container,are the feds gonna come in and whisk us away? (forgive me, it has been a long 8 years!)
I would love to hear from anyone else with young kids, we can’t wait!

Being on school grounds alcohol and tobacco are strictly forbidden (it’s a state or federal law), but I’m sure if you’re very discreet and don’t have it readily available to youngsters you won’t get busted. :wink:

Don’t do it. It’s a “Family Campground” for a reason. If you’re caught it could blow the gig for other families in the future.

Just a thought.

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Im with Hope on this … Sorry Tom !

So true! I was just talking about “grape juice”. :flower

We’re wondering the same. We’re responsible adults, and returning TBF folks, this time with a 1 year old. First time in family camping at the HS. Don’t love the rules… but certainly understand why their in place.

Is there another suggestion, like how to legally festivate after festival hours back at camp? It’s hard to imagine TBF without being able to chillax at camp the way we’re used to. But in the end, thankful we have a safe, respectful community in the HS so that’s a trade off. And nearby showers!!

Where to HS campers park their vehicles? Non-related question there.

Also, a little birdie just told me that HS camping is pretty much sold out for 2012. Website says differently. Hope folks got the tickets they needed, I may have gotten the last one!

Some early campers get to park in the THS parking lot (fairly small) and “Carhenge” lot is only a couple of blocks away. As usual, if you show up later, you’ll end up in an outer lot after unloading, but who cares where the ride is? Back in the day, when I started my camping career @ HSC, I really liked not being at the mercy of the bus! I can walk the length of Colorado Ave quite easily and it’s nice to have that quiet zone to get some rest! (or go back for more NG)

((((Dustin wuz here. :flower))))

You could make friends with some other parents, and maybe trade off watching each others kiddos so Mom and Dad could go into town for a nice meal, or catch the last acts in the festival. Kind of a “I’ll watch your kids on Thursday, you watch mine on Friday,” etc. When they are sleeping it’s not too hard to do that, and you won’t have to miss out each night. Or you can let them fall asleep at the festival, towards the back, and then take them back to camp later. All that music and festivating doesn’t stop a sleepy child from catchin’ their zzzz’s. :zzz

When they were very little, under 2 or so, we could manage wondering around at night in the baby backpacks… Then, we set up a sleeping tent ( tiny little 1-2 person tenT)near the back and we would take turns… You do want to mark with glow in dark stuff and have off to side though…