Hey Everybody! It's Adam's Birthday

:cake and a Hippy Barthday to you ! :cake


Hey, Hey Happy Birthday! I hope you are able to get out and about livin’ it up.
:dance :dance :jester :jester :dance :dance

:bday :bday Have a super duper day Adam my friend! :rock :woohoo :sunshine

Okay ya’ll no pickin on the banjo player today only!

Happy Bday Bro !

:deer Happy Birthday, Fruitcake! :deer

Happy Birthday Adam! :cheers

Happy Birthday Adam! :flower :hop :bday :hop

Can’t wait to get all festy with ya in a couple weeks!

They say the true definition of a gentleman is someone who can play the banjo…but chooses not to. You sir are no gentleman!! :wink: :lol

Have a great birthday Adam! To you! :cheers

Adam who???


Happiest of Birthdays to you Adam!!
:bubbles :bday :bubbles :cake :bubbles :bday :bubbles

Have a very happy one! :cheers :cake :bday :dance

Happy birthday Adam( a day late)! :cake :cake

Thanks everyone!! Even you Hooch :lol


Screw you, Birthday Boy! I don’t need your pity!

Happy Barf-day, I mean, birthday!!! yipeeeeeeeee

You know what they say once you hit 25 its a short slide to 30. :evil

:cake :bday

Yes, “they” do say that, but “they” aren’t sliding down to Telluride, are “they”? :lol

Happy Birthday, Sugar! May 5th has always been a cool day for me, now I know why! Because it’s your BIRTHDAY!!!

See you soon and love ya, despite the fact that you bought a cello banjo, you trader :lol
Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Ah yes…the 'ol :quote It’s my Birthday :quote trick just so everybody says Hi to you today!!!

Just Kidding!!! Hope your Birthday is as wonderful as my 25th was! Wait…did I have one of those already??? Hard to remember…maybe Rumballs will help my memory???
