Hi. I would like to purchase a mandolin for my husband as a Christmas gift. He plays guitar but has NEVER probably even touched a mandolin. Can anyone offer advice on a new or used purchase. Around $250. Thanks!!
ok, so I bought a $300 Washburn off Ebay for $100 (including shipping) and it’s done me very well. i wish i could remember the seller, they were selling Washburn B-stock items for CHEAP! B-stock meaning good to play, just didn’t make the cut to sell at retail cause’ of a chip in the paint or finish screw up or something . . . Fender sells new mandos for under 200 bucks, and they don’t sound bad either . . . personally, i’m saving my pennies to get a custom SAN JUAN MANDOLIN from the grand luthier himself mr. bobby wintringham . . . love you bobbyyyyyyyyyyyy!
this is the one I have . . . i think it’s worth it
or this one, but hte other one is free shipping:
good luck!
Thank you so much for your advice. I will check on the 2 ebay offerings.
Kentucky or washburn A model starter mandos are great.