HEADLINE'S New studio tracks up on myspace.

We took our PIP winnings into the studio to cut a new demo for the ol’ promo pack. All tracks were recorded live. You can hear a few at the following link if you would like.


Comments and criticisms are welcome and encouraged.

Much love!!


I had to turn it all the way up, fun and I love the title. :flower

Good Job …Nat !

Thanks for checkin’ it out!!! Really appreciated and I’m really glad you like it!! :cheers

Here’s a pic of what will be the cover. Keep in mind this is just a demo for the promo pack to help get us some bookings, hence the goofy title and what we hope is an un-ignorable pic. Is this not the ugliest dog you’ve ever seen? Half dog half demon…the freak has got like 4 dew claws, and thats the least of his issues. I wish he were mine lol!
