Happy Holidays!

it’s been a crazy semester for me, but school is out and it’s time for all good teachers to do something about all this winter solstice celebrating that goes on.

Happy holidays to each of you, whatever flavor yours may be. I hope to see lots of you over the holidays.

<----jumping for JOY again… and for PEACE, too. Here and everywhere.


:wave Today is Tamale Day!!! I will try to perfect my masa formula this year…share some food love with all my favorites. :flower

Happy Holidays everyone :hug :kiss :vibes :dog

Happy Holidays Festavarians!!!
todays the 20th, and looking at the calender, i’ll be able to get my christmas present almost exactly six months from now…
can ya guess??? i’m sure ya can :wink:

I won’t get to see you over the holidays, but I will be thinking of you and hope that yours are great too! Safe travels and don’t break down in Kansas!

Much Love From Us !


Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!

Of all the wonderful things that will happen in the coming year, what I’m looking forward to most is festivatin’ with you all at TBF 2010!!!

:peace :love & Bluegrass

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I’m with Lalagay… except for one minor thing…

Peace. Love and MORE BANJO! :festivarian2

Love To You All!
Auntie Hope :thumbsup

:wave and a Happy :hop Hippie :hop Holiday to my Festivarian family.


As Much as I Hate Xmas … the only thing in my Heart
Is My Festivarian Family and my Grandson and Deb of course
Damn when did I get responsible ??
Much Love …cant wait to be with all of you !
We are Gonna Rock Town Park …
now I just have to figure out how
We Rock it every year …how do we Top it ??
maybe we shouldnt …But Damn we always Do !
Much Love to all …

Santa has Been good to Us and after the First of the Year
the Camps are gonna Start to get Covered …!

Merry Christmas everyone! :deer :vibes


Happy Happy Holidays to all of our Festivarian family.
Love, Hugs & Kisses from Big Sky Country,
Ellen & Michael

:deerHappy holidaze. Hugs and love to all our festivarian family and friends.
T and Dave

Happy Ho Ho

I am reminded on the Holidays that the best gift you could ever give someone is time and attention. It’s all free…

I saw a dad with his son on a 3 wheeler taking a walk. The dad’s cell phone rang and he proceeded to have this long conversation.
All the while this little boy kept trying to tell his dad something. The dad just would not pay attention to his son. I watched in horrer…

Finally that sweet little boy started banging his head hard on his bike handle bars in frustration…all he wanted was time and attention. That’s pretty easy to give, but appearntly pretty hard to come by for some.

Life is very sweet and really very simple. Pay attention to your children (it just crused me to witness this).

