Happy Birthday Hippie Jerry

It has enhanced my creative portfolio, that’s for certain… :wink:

:flower K… Better late than never huh??? Of course Jerry was in my thoughts and heart on his actual day! I have been away from the :quote Big City :quote at my Mothers while my Brother, his wife and my one and only nephew were visiting…pics of my nephew to follow later! wait for it…

Happy Belated Birthday to you, my one and only favorite Hippie Jerry!

:bday :drunk :drunk :hombre Love You! Connie!

Happy belated birthday to my favorite Hippie on the planet!! :love :love :love :love

Dangit…I haven’t been checking in much here lately, haven’t spent much leisure time on the 'puter at all really. But I missed some VERY important days!!
Happy Birthday Jerry!! Happy Birthday Billy Beru!! Happy Birthday Sarah!!
You’re lucky we’re online, or I’d sing to you :slight_smile: