Happy Birthday GIPPER!!!


Happy Birthday!!! :cake :bday

Relative to Jen’s b-day topics or replies, this one’s going to be tame unless other forumvarians, etc decide to fire up their Photoshop and go to town.

In lieu of that, Jen, here is my gift to you in 2008:

“I’m here to play football for the Irish”

I’m so late for work…

Happy Birthday Goddess of Photoshop and One who Challenges the idea that you Can’t Get Enough Fun and Adventure into a weekend.

More later, the bells going to ring.




Happy B-Day Jenn!! May your birthday be filled with duktape and…well…it’s all downhill to the gutter from here.

Yeah, Happy Birthday Jen, and Happy road trip, too! Hope you and Seamus are having a huge time on vacation!

To the Paintshop queen


DukTape Man and Blaze send along there Best Birthday Wishes!

Hope you have an awesome day

To my persoanl tie-dye tailor,

:woohoo :hop :cake :hop :woohoo


Hope you are having an absolutely fantastic day.


Jen!! Happy Birthday! :cheers :drunk :cheers

:cake Hippy Barthday to you

The Gip and faithful companion Shamus (sp?) :dog are on the road, returning home after and enjoyable weekend with me and my family. I’m sure she’ll reply when she lands tomorrow. Good travel vibes to Jen and happy birthday!

In honor of Jen’s birthday, I’ve changed my profile picture to her handy work that gave me new shoulders and a waistline, love that Jen.

Thank you your greatness, you’re friendship is so awesome for so many reasons.

Did I just say “awesome”? :lol :eek

Yes I am, thank you, but today isn’t about me! :evil


:woohoo :cake :woohoo

Auntie Hope :pickin

:bday :bday Celebrate!! :bday :bday

anne :flower

I am crackin’ up!! :lol

I was hoping the whole birthday-thing would slide by unnoticed… I was afraid if Doc Mike knew he’d make me drink Jagermeister. Oh, wait, he did make me drink Jagermeister! :hooch

The phone calls were great while I was on the road. You really helped me rally through those long dark stretches with the chatter… you guys are so much better than an energy drink!!

Doc, thanks for letting me crash Easter weekend with the fam. It’s nice to see life after Iowa is treating you well. I love the new house…

Ah, and sorry again for the Easter egg incident with Seamus. If it’s any consolation, I had to drive with the windows down the first part of the trip. Pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewie!! <insert Tom’s “stinky-dog” smiley here


Thanks, festi-kids! :flower

Laa-ruggyree sonney dhyt !
(Happy Birthday in MANX!)
Arguably the longest distance birthday greeting all the way from the Isle of Man
Hope you have a great day and had a fab Easter from a new Festivarian (probably too new to be able to call myself that!)
Cheers dear!


:flower This is from Aj & I…Sorry to be late…

Happy Birthday Girlie!!! It’s great to have a friend like you! Thanks for all the smiles you have created!

Happy Happy Birthday!

Love Ya!!! Connie & Aj too !!! :hop :bday :hop

Lenny, when you’re already joining in on the birthday greetings for this group, you are a Festivarian! :thumbsup

Love the house, Doc. That one must have come in well over half a mil! Tail me, what size lot’s she sittin’ on there? I recon she’d be a nice add-in to the Festi-Homestead if ya can find a way to pull 'er! :lol

Oops, gotta run! I hear banjo! :evil

Auntie Hope :pickin