Happy (belated) Birthday, BillyBeru!!!

The infamous BillyBeru celebrated his 39th birthday yesterday and judging by the 2:30am text I received, he celebrated indeed :drunk

:cheers Happy Belated Birthday :cheers

:clap :hop :bday :hop :clap

:flower HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILLYB! :flower

Happy Birthday Billy! :cheers :cheers

Hope to see you next June!

Thanks for the birthday wishes, gang. I have tear in my eye. :lol

I spent my birthday watching my pathetic Washington Nationals get slaughtered by the New York Mets 12-0, which was followed by getting trapped in a subway car with a Dominican little league baseball team, followed by 3 newcastles, 3 shots, a Stella Artois and a jamaican burger fresh of the grill at 2:30am.

Tomorrow night: G Love opening up for John Butler Trio.


I hope you enjoyed yourself in spite of your teams loss. :flower

Happy belated. :cheers

Happy Belated Billy!!! :wave

John Butler Trio shoud make up for the team loss! Their great!

Happy Belated Birthday! :cake

Auntie Hope :pickin :green

Happy belated B-Day Billy! :hop I was whopping it up in New Orleans celebrating something or another. Who knew that it was your birthday! :thumbsup

:bday :sunshine

Happy birthweek Billy Beru! Baseball and JBT, way to celebrate! Have a great time tonight!

Happy Birthday late! I was gone and not my fault! Have a drink on me and I’ll send you the $6.00!