Handicap Placard Question

Hello, I have a Handicap Placard card, do I need a On Site Vehicle Pass to park in the handicap location? I have currently have only 3-day on-site camping pass

Hi Mike, your handicap placard will allow you to park on-site but not in the campground.

Thanks and see you soon,

Hey Geoff,

I wanted to clarify, I now have an on-site Vehicle and 3-day Camping pass. I noticed the Handicap location on the South camping area. Is this where I would park? Can my tent be near car? Do I wait in the same Farm lottery line from 1-3pm to get assigned a number to park in Handicap?

Let me know, thx!!

Mike Slattery 719-499-8558

Hey Mike,

Great! Fill out this form: https://forms.monday.com/forms/3a46c20ee02b8e3629fa8c813ee6ce67?r=use1
That will allow you to skip the line-up and come on-site early between 5 and 6pm tomorrow.
Thanks and see you soon,

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It won’t let me submit. Is is because the date is not two weeks go?

It worked after I took the dashes out of phone number!!


Do I wait for an approval after the submittal was sent? Is there something sent back to me to print out? What are my next steps?



Mornin’ Geoff,

Can you please reply ASAP to these questions from yesterday:

Do I wait for an approval after the submittal was sent?

Is there something sent back to me to print out?

What are my next steps?

Thank you,

Mike Slattery