G Brown book

Experienced Festivarians: in what ways is the G Brown book significantly different from the hardbound 40th anniversary book? Thanks in advance!

Zack, since no one chimed in on this, I will try to answer your question. The PB book (40 years of Festivation) was a project that was commissioned entirely by PB. PB were the editors, reviewers, they selected the authors/writers and guided the overall tone of the message. The goal of the book (besides selling as many copies as possible) was to present readers with a positive, almost celabratory vision of the festival, that festivarians could possess, almost like a family scrapbook or souvenier.
Brown’s book is written from a slightly different perspective. As a longtime music critic in Colorado, probably the most expert in the state, he looks at where the festival “fits in” with regards to the history and evolution of the Colorado music scene. So Brown’s book is a more critical review of the festival. He uses information from writers, musicians, with materials, and stories that the PB book would either not cover, or not describe in detail, sometimes good, sometimes bad.
Some of my old sources tell me there was some friction when the two books were published simultaneously (which was no coincidence). But looking back now, 3-4 years later, I think both books ended up complementing each other very well. Photography in both is also excellent. You know what the biggest difference is? The Brown book is only available in paperback.
It’s like the old Dylan song, where he sang “we always did feel the same, we just saw it from a different point of view”

Does anybody have a link where the G. Brown book is available for purchase?
I had heard about it, but never found out what the name of it was or where to get one.

Tom, take a look at Amazon. Someone is selling it new for $25, then a few other people are price gouging and selling used copies for $400.

But I have a better suggestion. Contact the Colorado Music Hall of Fame at Red Rocks in Morrison. They published it and can probably tell you if they have any copies for sale.