Ok where oh where to start… I started collecting shows of all sort some 6-7 yrs ago…mostly Phish and Gratefull Dead/GD Family related, w/ a touch of Bluegrass/Jamgrass. When I first started I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I moved from binders, to small plastic cd boxes, to rubbermaid drawers, and now into some divided filing cabinets. All in all…I’M RUNNING OUTTA ROOM AGAIN. When I first started I burned both the wav.'s and the flac/shn’s. As you can imagine, that takes up a lot of space. Here is my list as of 11/6/05 @ 530 shows. All shows have text/setlists w/ them and are stored in the white CD sleeves! Very well taken care of too!

Now for the fun. I want to GIVE ONE LUCKY PERSON ALL THESE SHOWS. I know boxing these up and mailing them won’t exactlly be a cheap thing to do. But I need the room. I’ve got about 400gb’s of shows to burn(mostly YONDER) to add to the pile/collection Smile I’m not asking for those interested to pay for these in any way. But, if one would like to help w/ the shipping…I do have a paypal acct, and we can work something out. Anyways… I don’t know what kind of response I’ll get from this… SO THE FIRST 50 PPL TO RESPOND WILL HAVE THIER NAMES THROWN IN A HAT. I’LL DRAW THE WINNER AS SOON AS I HAVE 50 PLAYERS. SHOULD I NOT GET MUCH OF A RESPONSE…I’LL CONSIDER SPLITTING THE SHOWS UP BETWEEN THE FEW THAT SIGN UP.

Send all emails to:

Have fun & Happy Trails To All,
Jason Parish

Just to clarify…I’LL BE GIVING AWAY THE WAV.'s ONLY!!!

awesome offer Jason.

thanks John…just getting around to a bit of late spring cleaning…still taking ppl till this weekend folks…then i’ll pull a name!!!

awesome offer indeed! :cheers

I sent ya an e-mail pearhead (I’m hogtater on yonder :wave)

if you didn’t get please throw my name in the hat! OneWayTrack-hogtater-travis-whateva :thumbsup