The giant breakfast burrito looks pretty darn good, especially for camp!
However, it does need some cripsy bacon strips on top to make it complete. :pig
ok that was pretty weird but anyway…
i felt the need to comment about bacon…
im making bacon riht now…!!! wooo hooo
but the ultiment < probably spelt wrong> packing list needs to add bacon cheese casadeas< that too>
you just crumble bacon on to cheese and cook!! its really good. yall should try it!
Obviously this man is a total genius. I applaud his sensibility in including non-bacon fluids such as beer, wine, martinis and water into his well-rounded diet. I myself would follow this diet except I’d have to add vodka and Crunchy Frog.
Since a lot of people can’t seem to follow such proper eating habits I’m currently working on a secret project to distill bacon down into pill form and market it as a suppliment. Don’t tell anyone!