:wave So…here’s proof that bacon lovers have been to our house!
In case you couldn’t guess…Hooch has been here!
Dontcha just love the headless cow in the photo! It has a head…really!
I think yer on to somethin’ Dr. Jess. I feel much better, must have been the consumption of bacon washed down with OJ… :flower
YEAHHH back to myself ,almost. :sunshine :horsey
Hey, that looks comfy and warm! Perfect for Telluride nights wandering from jam tent to jam tent. If I ain’t eating bacon then I may as well be wearing it.
I ordered a turkey deep frier from Cabelas in preparation for the Thanksgiving river trip I’m running. It arrived on Friday so my friend Gord and I put it together and decided we needed to so a test run. So Friday night we head to Safeway and manage to score a fresh turkey. We bring it home, inject the shit out of it with butter, sage, thyme and garlic. We heat up the oil and drop that puppy in.
Maaahhhhveeeloouuss…it was to die for.
But while it was sizzling away I looked at Janet and said the magic word…
See, the turkey frier came with huge stainless steel draining baskets for boiling lobsters or what not. I’m thinking I bet those will work great for deep frying bacon…
So we took all the bacon in the house…rolled it in brown sugar and cayenne pepper and then
DEEP FRIED IT in the turkey frier…
Holy SHIT batman…it was ORGASMIC BACON
Here is a pic of the turkey and another of the bacon…
And just in case you need a further reference here is a quote just emailed from Gord…
But I have one thing to say that was the best dam bacon I have ever ate. If you ever need a reference for Bacon cooking I can be your guy.
twas the twilight of my youth and carefree bacon eating days…
when the guilt of my frivalous days of lustuos consumption began to overwhelm me…
Bacon is as close to heaven and hell at the same time as one can get…
:flower :flower :flower
oh my goooooooooiiiiiiiidddddddddddddd . . . that looks so yummmmyyyyyyyy! i’m thinking maybe CSI should consider deep frying our T-day turkey . . . YUM!