Focus monkey boy!

I’ve been barely able to focus on work since April! Now only 2 more days of work before I leave and it is so obvious I’m about worthless here. :argh

Oh yeah, I can check the forum multiple times an hour, email camp mates and such … but work related …forget it!! :eek

How do you veterans manage to not get fired each year leading up to the Fest? :peace

Easy, my last day of work is tomorrow. I’m leaving this job and won’t be available to start a new one until I return!

We will try to return you in shape to find a new job…maybe…party time

I quite the last real job I ever had back in 1992 just because it might have gotten in the way of doing Telluride. Now I only have to worry about the other festivals that I’m at getting in the way. The John Hartford Festival, just when you think it can’t get any better than it does. And we get Sammy and LoS tonight. And Vince got me on the guest list for Blue Ox so one more festival to go before I hit the road.

I know where to find you you, Al, so see you Thursday! :cheers :thumbsup

I guess I just need to get in the maple business, then it’s festival city! Blue Ox looks great, plus good beer

Why, I AM focused. On my packing list!

This is gonna be the longest freaking week, Monday :eek Tuesday :eek Wednesday :eek Thursday :eek Friday :eek Saturday!!! :cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers :thumbsup :thumbsup

Me too, me too. Lists everywhere plus bags…excited Bevin, will be great to see you guys, safe travels

Retirement works well for the stress. I just got back from one festival today and I’ll be in Telluride the day after tomorrow. :thumbsup

One… More… Day… Of… Work…