FLOODING! Crazy 9-12-13!

Every time I see the pictures/videos (of Lyons and around our state), my heart sinks into my stomach and I can’t hold back the tears. I know it will be a while before we know what can be done to help bring the PB Ranch back to its beautiful self. But we’ll all be there, that much I know is sure, for the Planet and all the others affected by this heartbreaking set of events.

Here’s a photo from several days ago now… just back last night from search and rescue… it’s not good so your prayers, good vibes, and eventually your cash and good will be needed when this finally subsides… there is a new normal now…


Echo all of the comments and concern. Hoping for the best that can come out of this situation. PB, let the community know how we can help.


For some perspective, this shows Bohn Park (Festival parking) in the upper left hand corner:


Crazy times when Bohn Park is flooded. I hope that bridge held. I know the one down below was blown out.

Folks, the regular Tuesday night bluegrass jam at Oskar Blues will be held at CHUBurger in Longmont tomorrow night. Money shall be raised for the Lyons Musicians relief fund and taking donations as so many musicians lost everything from instruments to entire houses.

It’s a wonderful jam, come if you can.

We left Lyons Saturday and are all safe. Currently we are camped in our popup. We don’t need anything at this time. I may try to come to the jam tonigjt. I did get a mandolin and guitar out. Guitar is going to another evacuee.

A great wat to help Lyons individuals and businesses is to donate to the Lyons Community Foundation. You can designate funds to flood relief.


Thanks for all the words of support for Lyons.


Insurance and a shovel and a few pots of coffee should get it :strong :vibes :kiss

Maybe some Bengay :lol Let us keep a good perspective on this if possible. Forward now forward :horsey

I’ll donate to that fund. Is there a way to do it online?

Hey there, Ice Tre…

Not sure. It wasn’t all that obvious at the Jam. Things are a bit discombobulated right now for obvious reasons but if something comes up, I’ll share it.

Thanks. :cheers

Best thing for now looks like http://lyonscf.org/ :thumbsup