
I am a very early bird.
I also love to fish. Would I be able to go fishing around Illium ( I hear there is a stream nearby)? This would be during the Bluegrass Festival.
Trout, potatoes and some fresh morels mmmmmmmmmm!

actually the river looked fairly clear last weekend. My father used to take us camping at the forks, before anything but an old corral was there, my how time flies

my, oh my, how does the the time goes by
time and the river keep flowin on by…


So what do you guys think? Can I fish (walking distance from Illium)?
Are all of the fish “catch and release”. Im not familiar with Colorado Fish and Wildlife rules and regulations so any help would be grooooooovy!
I can say fresh trout is mighty tasty though.


Fresh trout from high mountain streams in mining country can be tasty, and full of mercury. In the 1990’s the San Miguel was crystal clear and yet it was still designated as one of the most polluted rivers in the entire U.S. Who knows what’s coming out of those upstream mines…

I am headed to Potosi, Bolivia in August to survey some waterways in hopes of cleaning up five hundred years of mining pollution. I am definitely gonna tap you for some explanation on what my friend has halfway explained to me.

I should be pulling into TP on Sat the 13th and will be around. The project is part of my friend’s Ph.D. research, he has half explained it to me a couple of times, but would love to get some real world knowledge on the subject. See ya in a week if not sooner!