Fishbone needs help!

All of Fishbone struck out… Anyone have any extras to share? It would be terrible if we lose the FIRST historical camp…Debbie
You can contact me or Marge or Erin
Thanks Debbie

Have faith Debbie, we are in this together. I can not accept that this mess won’t be addressed by PG and See’s. There are a number of campers with tickets and I still believe that we will all be dancing and raising our glasses on June 13th in celebration of another year.

As far as this ticket fiasco goes, we are hurt. We have been so loyal and motivated to help the Planet curb scalping and resales above face value. Our perception, maybe fact, is we got beat by the scalpers and the changes needed by the Planet. I feel a bit violated, that my loyalty has been rewarded with a slap in the face. I hope, as do you do, that some how some way we see this rectified. What that looks like I don’t know. But with the increases in prices and seemingly lack of loyalty for our part in keeping alive a sense of community in Town Park, we can go elsewhere. Do I want to do that … NO! But if our community is being split up either purposefully or a result of this new system, I will consider it. If this is the end, let us celebrate once more in our beloved box canyon over the summer solstice!

For now, I’m going to focus on us. We need tickets. This ticket platform allowed scalpers to get an upper hand on our little festival. Let’s spread the word to the uninformed to not buy tickets from anyone not asking face value. Lets help each other get tickets for their camps. I know we first look after our own camp mates, but lets broaden our vision after that. Many of us got screwed because we were trying to get VP’s for the TP community. Let’s continue to look after each other. We can do this. It’s only Day 1.

I hope to see all the familiar faces plus new ones in a little over 6 months.
Hug a broken hearted festivarian today!