
When do they announce artist(s) for FirstGrass? Looking at the schedule for last year, that show started at 5 pm. Is that 5-8p timeframe the typical schedule?

Yeah, that’s normal, but really cuts into the Rumball Party. I don’ t think I’ve ever made it to FirstGrass on time or sober.

Rumball party?! I think that is a thing for Town Park campers, right? The best we have been able to do for our first TBF so far is camping in Mary E. Or maybe I have more research to do over the next weeks…

They dont usually start checking until Thursday mornin, then you’ll need a TP or Warner Field wrist band :horsey

Rumballs -

  1. an unofficial start to the TBF :concert
  2. a variety of tasty cut up fruit, pickled in an assortment of festive spirits until candied perfection :eek
  3. an incredibly festive gathering of fellow festivarians starting around 3 on Wednesday at the MASH tent :dance :rollin
  4. what happens later on after too much #2 :huh

Sweet! Thanks for the info Pass Port. Then we will def have to visit the Rumballs celebration. counting the days down to my first TBF! :rock

Whatever you do, if you go to RUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMBAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLSSSSSSS! (And that is how you will know that it has started) DO NOT use a 16 ounce RED SOLO CUP!!! We nearly lost the Mayor in a tree one year after AJ and I made sure that the mayors RED SOLO CUP was always full! And yes you can taste the alcohol! :pirate

Thanks Pirate! Duly noted. I have some of those little red Solo shot glasses…maybe that will do??? :lol
While I’m not too old for alcohol induced tree climbing, the dismount is getting more difficult!