First timer questions

Hey all,
I’m coming in from Toronto, Canada. Camping in the meadow. Some questions.

I won’t know anyone. I like to make sure I only join jams where I’m welcome. Have you found jams friendly? Any advice other (places to try, etc.) other than the obvious ettiquitte (sp?) ones?

I can only bring minimal gear, no food, not even a chair. Any advice? I hear it can rain in the afternoons. Do things tend to dry out afterwards?

I’m arriving Thursday afternoon. Any advice for finding a campsite? My footprint will be small.

I’m arriving at the Denver airport at 10:20 a.m. Thursday. Plan to take a bus but if anyone can share a ride I’d be very happy to pay my way.

Also, if any other loners want someone to meet up with (I’m a mandolin player, rather obvious from my name), please give me a shout. My email is

I can’t wait!

Yes! I am not a player, but all that I know love new blood.

They love new blood as long as you are at the same level as the others in the jam circle and aren’t a jam hog, that is. Don’t be THAT guy. :wink:

:wave There are plenty of music circles going at any time of day but the night time is when it comes alive. I hear the picking is good in Meadow park (I’ve never camped here) but on-site is far more, and all are welcome. I recommend you grab your mandolin and head over and find our chili pepper canopy (it has colored chili pepper lights all around the sides of the canopy) we’ll gladly get you started :cheers. We’re usually camping close to house in the center of the property (it divides the camping from the festival grounds.) You’ll likely hear us before you see us.

The chair issue isn’t a problem, the planet bluegrass policy is if you leave your tarp or chair others are welcome to them till you return. Be polite and nice and you’ll likely hook up with a new group of friends and your weekend will fall right into place.

As far as rain, we are in our monsoon season and everyday around 4pm clouds will build and from there it’s hit or miss. Plan for rain but most of the time it is short lived and passing.

Most of the jams are pretty friendly, as long as you are respectful…usually several jams in Meadow Park and a lot over at onsite.

You won’t have any trouble getting a camping spot in Meadow with the time you are arriving - no worries! With the rain, it usually dries out pretty quickly (except for that one year…ugh, was it 4 years ago?)

No doubt, you will enjoy your first Rockygrass!