First time Song Schooler

Not sure if I missed some info on the web site but can some one share the basics of lodging for the week of Song School? Camping is the most common I imagine? I am coming from the east coast and am hoping not to have to lug my guitar and camping gear with me. Are there cabins to stay in? What are the lodging options?
Many thanks!

Most people camp, yes.

Here is a list of other lodging options:

Here’s a link to our Guidelines page:

…and finally, the FAQ:

Hopefully you can find the information you’re looking for somewhere in those links.



thank you!

Hi there,

I’m traveling from CA and am looking for a roommate for Song School. I think I’ll get a room in a nearby hotel (I need wifi to keep in touch with the outside world each evening).

Would you be interested in potentially sharing a room?
