I don’t believe there’s a shuttle from Mary E. You take the shuttle into town and then take the gondola to Mountain Village. Can some other folks confirm as well?
Yes, its a bus into town, and gondola up to the MTN village. My suggestion would be get into town via bus from mary e early 3-4ish. Eat drink be merry, and keep an eye on that gondola line. There’s food and drink options on the mountain, and/or you can bring your own. If you want front row, better think about leaving Mary E around 2-3, I’m guessing. I know I’ll be looking to ride the gondola by 4 to see my bluegrass man crush.
Newbie question… So First Grass is on the Wednesday night? Is it free to attend? Just trying to get all of this straight & we are going on a budget - sounds like there is so much to see/do & I don’t want to miss anything - LOL. :cheers
Yes, it is free and it’s a beautiful start to the festival. Catch the gondola ( also free) up the mountain, bring a blanket and some snacks and enjoy. Make new friends. Have dinner in the mountain village. Catch gondola back to lodgings. It’s a gorgeous start to the fun and wow, what a brilliant lineup!
Did I miss something where FirstGrass bands were confirmed? Are there usually two bands that play? What time is the first grass show? What time is the Dierks show? Do they overlap? What’s this I hear about a huge Ganjola line? Tips for avoiding that?
There’s not an official confirmation of First Grass acts by Planet Bluegrass. But, seems the creative detectives on the forum have it figured out. Pretty sure its usually two bands, and I also believe it should be finished just before Dierks begins. The Ganjalas hold about 6-8 persons each, and when a few thousand folks are trying to get from town to the Mountain Village for the beginnings of FG lines will no doubt happen. To avoid lines either show up a bit late, or extra early. I’m not certain but I think FG starts around 5ish. I missed the first act last year, and had no real wait for the fun ride up the hill.
First Grass is at 5, not Wednesday night. And DB’s webpage is incorrect saying that Billy is his opening act. Not even close. First Grass is outside in Sunset Plaza and is free. Kick-off is at the conference center, also in the Town of Mountain Village (TMV) and requires a ticket to get in.
Well, that post I shared was on a MV page advertising for the Sunset Concert Series, with no mention of PB. I may have AssUMed a bit too much on my post, and I really do like getting served with Firstgrass, SCS, whatever they want to call it. :medal