First Fest

Too excited about the folks playing for First Fest in Mountain Village. What a wonderful appetizer. Does anyone know the lay of the land and where exactly ‘Sunrise Square’ is in town?

Top of the 1st Gondola.

You can’t miss it.



On the top of the mountain?

When does the gondola open? I’ve never heard of this “sunrise square” but would love to take part. If the gondola opens before sunrise, count me in.

Part of Heritage Plaza? I’m hoping I can sit on the balcony of our condo and watch/listen to the music. And of course possibly throw things at Ron if I see him! :lol :lol :lol :cheers

Do we have to fight our way up there or will they just lets us through in redcoats ?

Are you offering beer and pies?

If I could get pies through the warm welcoming people at US Customs I would bring the worlds greatest pork pies.

However if we bring more than a boiled sweet they will give us the “latex glove” treatment.

You can see how important these famous pies are (and how good they look) to the forthcoming elections by viewing here where a man not dissimilar in hair style to myself is trying to gain votes by being close to great pies.

And the beer???
BTW, nice dome!

We wouldn’t be so impertinant as to bring our own beer.

After all you have such a high opinion of your own. :cheers

ok…so apparently I was thinking of Heritage Plaza. :bag

I’m not sure exactly where Sunset Square is…but it’s at the top of the Gondola, either way. :lol

I have no doubt that we’ll have some signs and such up…so just plan on heading up and following the signs/ music.

Useless (and/or Jo)…I can’t guarantee you’ll be able to see/ hear it from your balcony, but let me know where you’re room is and I’ll see about setting up extra signs just for Ron so that he has to walk by. :evil

(Brian is going to post something if he finds a good map for you guys.)

BTW Nice comb over

Hey Stong! This Guys is A HOOT! :lol

Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

Oh I do my best :cheers

Just makes the ganjala ride earlier in the day.

Signs …Signs …everywere a sign …

Is this a gondola ride combined with ganga to become a ganjala ride? A new enty for the Festivarian Dictionary perhaps?