Final line up - what do you think?

I’m loving the final line up, so many of my true loves appearing & some new to me acts that sound great.
Puzzled to see on FB some chatter about this being the “worst TBGF line up ever”. Where is this coming from? What do other festivarians think?

Looking forward to seeing everyone so much. I know a lot of people need very big hugs :green_heart::blue_heart:

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It improved a lot today! I’ll admit almost all the bands in the top two “headliner” spots everyday aren’t anything I’d buy a solo ticket to see. But, generally that’s the case every year. My favorite acts almost always are during the day time or right around dusk.

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Rebirth is a HUGE addition for me! I travel to New Orleans every year for either Jazz Fest or French Quarter Fest and think brass bands are the bomb! The energy will be amazing


I was so hoping that Trombone Shorty would be a surprise announcement. He’s right in the Denver area during the Festival!


Trombone Shorty is soooo good! Saw them at the Freshgrass Festival few years back!


I think the lineup looks amazing, as always! Before the final great additions it seemed a bit folkier—with solo and duo acts—than some years. But this year will be my 22nd (I think), and every one that I’ve been to I hear someone I’ve never heard of blow my mind. And I expect this year will be the same!

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I think the lineup is great. This is my first year attending and want to make sure I catch certain bands. How necessary is participating in the tarp run in order to grab some real estate close enough to the stage? Or at least close enough to enjoy the music? Also, I’m not seeing anything about timing of each band. Is that usually a last minute announcement? I get that the advertised order is backwards, but trying to figure out travel plans since we’ll be driving in each day.

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Unless you are in a big group you don’t need to worry about getting into the tarp run. Tarps are pretty democratic spaces and we all share spots on the tarp, just ask nicely and if there’s space people are happy to share. It’s one of the nicest parts of Telluride. I tarp hop constantly, it’s such a great way to make friends.

The start times get published and there are pocket sized and full sized programs which list set times. You can check online too. It’s super well organised.

See you there! You will love it.

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Excellent and different lineup…i do love Lake Street but decidedly not.bluegrass but AMAZING. Rockygrass quite good this year as well. Go to both a d youre all set. The real.question is…who is in the Toy Project???

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I’m sure I’ll find some unexpected new bands and that’s great. But I don’t see why they seem to throttle the number of jamgrass acts. I know the dusters want to be there.


They are at Rockygrass…they wont do both

Here’s the mystery!