Festivarian Mission for New Orleans

it’s working Festivarians !!! :thumbsup

Gustav is tracking to the west! Keep up the good work…


So much for my long post to all you “blow hards” :lol I had one but it didn’t post. Now I’m putting the computer up high and signing out.

I don’t know what happened but now that it might be a cat4 we’re moving stuff up high before we evac.

Listen- there are a bunch of myths about Katrina that I learned about last night. We’re not completely below sea level and it wasn’t a natural disaster are just two. Please take a moment to learn more - there are 28 states that have levee - serious levee issues.


Thanks for the love. I’m evacuating to a festivarians house in Alabama. Go festi love.

C’est levee,


hello to all :wave
tracking west is good but not toooooo farrrrrr west
me and dauaghter “allywally” are inland from galveston, tx
about 20 miles, so keep the vibe precise,
like somewhere between new orleans and galveston
the swampland sounds good to me too…

I’m sure Allywallay has a large enough vibe to keep that storm on track :wave

:vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes a little to the right now… :bubbles ahhhhhhh.


This thing really intensified last night. I just hope it hits somewhere with low population density. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.

Here is to all of you folks out there remaining safe and sound, that the worst of the surge is absorbed by the wetlands and that those damn levees hold. :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes

Courtney here on Mark’s Computer - sure I could log out and log in if I remembered my password., (Hi Jen)

I’ve been trying to post to y’all - but little things like evaucating and connection issues keep getting in my way.

I evacuated early Saturday morning - and luckily missed the crazy traffic. We left at 5am and by mid day I arrived at Mark from Alabama’s house
I can’t imagine life without my wonderful festivarian family. Mark was so kind when I asked if I could use his home as my evacuation location. Everyone I know has pets and adding my menagerie to theirs is just adding stress to an already difficult situation. Especially for my friends who lived through Katrina.

As you watch what is happening, please remember to check in and understand what’s going on at www.levees.org. There’s so much more to the situation than what can be found in the typical media outlets.

Love to you all,


Courtness!! We have been thinking about you during this time. Good to hear you are safe and sound at Mark’s. What a wonderful little community we have here! :hug

Stay safe. :vibes

Much love,

Me too, glad you are safe and ask Mark if I run away from home does he have room for me too? :lol
It looks like traffic is at a snails pace so I am sure you are pretty fried from the whole event. I will keep watching today and hope for the best… :flower

Hey Courtney,
Glad you’re safe and sound. We’ll keep the good thoughts aimed at Gustav. Say hi to Mark and I hope you get back to a safe and dry home.

hey courtney and everyone else
glad you are out of harm’s way
I was going to offer my place as a landing spot
but it may have been an “out of the frying pan, and in to the fire location…”
looks like aly and i will be safe and ok at this point
“for the love of god, i live in a van down by the river” c. farley,
god bless all the folks around new orleans…
the following link is a great place for weather info


take care everyone
go bama, go obama

:sunshine :sunshine :sunshine :sunshine :sunshine :sunshine
:vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes

I think it’s workin’ folks… :flower

I think the worse is over… I think it worked! Courtney, check in when you can! Thinking of you and all of New Orleans!

:sunshine :sunshine :sunshine :sunshine :sunshine :sunshine :sunshine
I hope your place is okay
:vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes :vibes
:hug :hug :hug :hug :hug
I am super glad you are okay
:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
I hope you can go home soon :drive

Well thanks all for your kind thoughts. I am back at my friend’s house in New Orleans, my house is still under construction. From what it looks like, the storm was worse for Louisiana than Katrina, we just didn’t have the images of a blundering government, malfunction construction caused flooding and stranded humans. Other areas of Louisiana were hurt bad. Especially the fishing communities who’s livelihood depends on them living along the coast of a hurricane prone area.

I’m sure the news channels have moved on to the next hurricanes headed to the states. I’ve been collecting opinions and everyone who I asked what keeps them coming back, everyone has said “the people.” Biggest lesson learned from Katrina, clean out the fridge before you evacuate.

Thanks again all.


yes Courtney it seems i have plenty of stuf for compost pile
3 day no power really sucks

Courtness, Mlady
Muck Love from us !
did I meantion My mother is from Lafyatette …
and we suvived I think it was Agnes back in 68/69?