Click on this link and go 9 min. 40 seconds into the video. Then, hit play and jump up and yell as loud as you can: FESTIVAL!!! FESTIVAL!!!


It will cleanse your soul.
See ya there!


Youā€™re a man after my own heart!

Loved it! :thumbsup


Auntie Hope :festivarian2 :green

That has to be the most obscure ā€œfestivalā€ reference ever :medal

:wave You are silly, Hairy Larry! That was pretty funny though. :lol :rolleyes

Yep, our festival is a whole heck of a lot more fun!!! :pickin
:toejob :festivarian2

If you watch the Leftover Salmon DVD, they actually show that clip as an inspiration to Vince Herman. That is part of where our FEEEEEESSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVVAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL shout comes from. Love it!

That is very random. :cheers

As the pile by the front door grows the anticipation does as well.

It has been HOT UP HERE(CO mountains 9300ft.)!!
So get yer Squirt Guns ready lil buckeroos!! Fiesty bunch gotta keep em in lineā€¦ :evil

Please be considerate of folks that do not want wet, HOWEVER have NO MERCY on those that doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. :evil :cheers :festivarian :festival :lovedr :concert :drunk :clap :hop :sunshine :angel

Great reference! But Iā€™m hoping Telluride is not this creepy!

Weā€™re a different kind of creepy. Weā€™re the type of creepy that has people wondering how we can be having so much fun in one weekend.

I am with the dudes on the c-r-e-e-p-y factorā€¦ :huh