and… look! all of the known campsites in Town Park are listed there. (i say that without turning my computer screen upside down to verify that)


That is gorgeous!!! SO COOL, Courtney! :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

Billy, Your picture is just too adorable.
Hope, yes it’s my design with my new pen that draws on a tablet into the computer program. Love it.
Luanna, just look quick while you’re doing one of your flips on your trampoline.


Don’t you just love new toys that allow you to express yourself? :flower
It’s sweet! :thumbsup

holy shmoley, ummm i would pay a million dollars to have that on a t shirt . . . .

I can always do an iron on transfer when you get here. :flower
Be sure to bring your million. :evil

iron on transfer? cool! hadn’t thought of that!

I’m fully in the likey likey camp too. Bee-o-ti-ful Courtney! I support the t-shirt idea as well. I’d buy at least one.

peace, kym

Thanks! Can you believe the stuff they made us wear??? I like this picture because I think it makes me look like “Wilson” from the movie Castaway.

Your picture is pretty cute as well! :flower

Likey :thumbsup , lovey!!! :love
:hop :hop :hop Applaude Applaude Applaude!!! :hop :hop :hop

I LOVE IT TOO COURTNEY! Add me to the t-shirt list…

:cheers :flower :cheers :flower :cheers :flower


:cheers :flower :cheers :flower :cheers :flower

Uhhh… I think someone else said the word T-shirts. As someone who does T-shirts about three times a year, I don’t think you are giving her enough notice!

but I do think she has a nice idea in mind!

<------ still jumping


Here was the quote. No one was offering t-shirts folks.

Back on Topic…

:woohoo :woohoo :woohoo FESTIVAL!!! :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo

You are AMAZING, Courtney!! Tee-shirts, buttons, heck, I’d even tattoo this on my butt! It’s beautiful!! Can we go? Is it time? How about now? Anything yet? Huh?? Mom? Can we? Can we? I’m ready, I’m packed, I want to go, I need to go, I HAVE to go RIGHT NOW!!! :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop
:hop :hop :clap :hop :hop :clap :clap :clap :hop :clap :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop :hop

You’d have to show it to everyone then! :flower

My Cam is ready for that one !!!

It’s been known to happen. :giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle

i just love you all . . . . . .

:love :love :love :love :love :love :love :love


:love :love :love :love :love :love :love :love

On call, in my call room, should be sleeping, instead-jamming on my guitar to the Pete Wernick jam videos, fingers finally sore, must sleep now…


:lol :lol :lol :lol :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :pickin :pickin :pickin :hop :hop :hop :toejob :toejob :toejob :sunshine :sunshine :sunshine :sunshine