



:woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo

:dancing :dancing :dancing :dancing :dancing :dancing :dancing

:mic :mic :tapers :mic :mic

:butterfly :butterfly :butterfly :butterfly :butterfly

(the kiddie tent)
:horsey :horsey :horsey :horsey :horsey


:concert :hombre :festivarian :oconnor :festival :spill :kitty :horsey :dancing :popcorn :jester :pirate :hop :clap

Just for Fun.


I have all my tickets! I love everybody. You’all really came through and are awesome.

The story must be told. I wanted to check the Planet website for resale tickets but forgot because I was in the middle of teaching and giving students their grade reports of missing work and it was a bit crazy in my class. My cell rings, I never pick up but I did this time, Hope’s message to get on the planet site, OH MY GOD, WHAT TIME IS IT. I went to the planet site, had trouble logging on, a computer class and the internet is slow? Starting to worry knowing the issues with the planet’s server, please, oh please, … Students come up to me “Ms. Bullock?” “Sit down.” Staring at my computer, please baby please load the page. …… I called Hope – she gave encouragement.
Another student “Ms. Bullock” “sit dowwwn please. “ ok, the page, log in – breath – find the tickets, mercantile – no I don’t want a shirt (yet), breath, tickets, telluride, ok tickets, click wrong site, “Ms Bullock? “ sit down – please PLEASE.” “What’s wrong?” says the sweet little darling. “Just let me think” …Tickets, ok, town park, click, purchase, ok, confirm, . “Yeah!” Students “What happened”,…. I told them the whole story, about how my friends in New Orleans have seen such despair, such trouble, such devestation and I wanted them to have this experience of being surrounded by green beautiful mountains, relaxing and enjoying all the beauty. Now my students are excited for me. One said, “Well how can you have fun if I’m not there.” “I’ll see what I can do”.

Thank you one and all for your help in making this happen for my friends. Be sure to visit. All I can say now is FESTIVAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL!

“I’ll see what I can do”.

 :lol Here we go aaagggaaaiiinnn!  :lol

Tell said child we'll see 'em NEXT YEAR! Ms. Bullock has done her 'bestest' of good deeds for this year's FFFEEESSSTTTIIIVVVAAALLL!   :rock

Hope Lin  :pickin

Courtney, I know the feeling. So happy for you! Now relief sets in, then the skipping about and clapping, and the obsessive counting of days.

WE HAVE HAD A VERY HAPPY DAY TOO! Our search is over as well.woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo

                      :woohoo  :woohoo FESTIVAAALLL!!!   :woohoo :woohoo 

                     :woohoo cha cha...cha cha..cha [b]CHA![/b]  :woohoo

                      :woohoo cha cha...cha cha..cha [b]CHA![/b]  :woohoo

                      :woohoo cha cha...cha cha..cha [b] CHA![/b]  :woohoo

                      :woohoo cha cha...cha cha..cha [b]CHA![/b]  :woohoo

                      :woohoo cha cha...cha cha..cha [b]CHA![/b]  :woohoo

                      :woohoo cha cha...cha cha..cha [b]CHA![/b]  :woohoo

                      :woohoo cha cha...cha cha..cha [b]CHA![/b]  :woohoo

                      :woohoo  :woohoo FESTIVAAALLL!!!   :woohoo :woohoo

YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY for you Debbie! What a happy day all around!
For those still seeking, let’s put a little (lot of) intention out there.
I so appreciate the help I got with my ticket!

It’s so heen when these things start falling in place :clap :rollin :sunshine

You can feel the festivation building!!! :horsey :dancing :jester :jester :drunk :concert :whip :flight :pipe :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo :woohoo

OMG I’m so excited i’ve almost peed my pants


My heart is smiling with you, Courtney. :love :love :love :love :love

Thanks Daniela, What have I done, now I have to

Need I say more?

OMG - - - Uhhhhh Luanna? :wave


very cool Court

:cheers :cheers :cheers

Cortness …WaY Too Cool !!!

The button tradition is a picture and I support that. I will make something for the forum folk with this image - since you two likey likey. I’ve had an idea brewing so I’ll get on that and then announce if it works.



Very nice indeed, Courtney. Are you the artist?

I’ll third that “likey likey”.

Hope Lin :pickin


how about INSTEAD of buttons?

This is art and so much more “festivarian” than anything I have ever done.

I say likey likey likey
