Feedback for On-Sale?

Congratulations to all those that scored the tickets. I logged in about 8:15 and found out I was #1697 in line after a 45 minute wait. Just to be sure, I waited until 9:17 till I got in only to find all the tickets had been sold. It would have been cool if there was some kind of post letting me know the tickets were gone instead of waiting the 17 minutes. My question for the guru’s …does it matter when you log in? I could have done so at 8:00:01 if that really makes a difference. Also does one person with one computer have a fair chance?
BTW…I wanted to thank FOM for the post about the scalpers paying for their college education by buying and re-selling tickets. I have encountered this first hand while trying to buy Lumineers tickets through Ticketmaster. Let me get in line at a box office and I can compete with anybody. Once again congratulations to the winners!

Todd G- Glad you scored…You mention “Canyt wait to see us all” Very few of us scored…LOL

Debbie. I’ve never scored before yet attended. This is just day 1, I’m certain you’ll have a ticket and everything you need.

ToddG- Hope you are right .

What kind of international ticketing company refuses to ship to an international address? Was PB aware of this when they outsourced to SeeTickets? I doubt Planet Bluegrass refused to send tickets to overseas customers in the past. I feel bad for AustaliaFan. IMO, that policy should have been advertised when the first announcement of the outsourcing to SeeTickets was made.

Also, has the limit always been 10 tickets per transaction? I thought it was 4 … maybe I mis-remember. I tend to agree with what several have said … scalping will likely be an issue for the 2020 Festivals.

Lastly … they (See Tickets) REALLY need to have an ‘I’m human’ verification before purchase (Captcha, etc.). Not having such a verification is an open door for nefarious transactions (and I suspect See Tix is well aware of this fact … however, I suspect they just care about the bottom line … selling as many tickets as possible - regardless of who or what is doing the purchasing).

Thanks for the advice. I’m allergic to calling any company unless they’re a very small company. i dont like navigating an automated phone system, waiting on hold forever and then explaining things repeatedly to disinterested people.

Instead, I logged into SeeTickets online and was able to see my TBF order, click “details” and then edit my mailing address. the form let me choose a different country from the dropdown list. no error message popped up or anything. it certainly looks like they’re going to mail them to me. what makes you think that they will not ship to Canada - there’s nothing on the site to indicate. -G

Looks like they added an International Shipping option after becoming aware of the issue this morning.

Thanks everyone, I won’t pretend, I did cry this morning when my session timed out. I had completed the credit card and street address sections but I could not move it from US state and country and complete my purchase. (I was desperately trying to change it to Australia to no avail). At the three minute mark I started trying to find the address of any of my US friends but of course all I have are phone numbers and email addresses. I cried when my session timed out and I lost my tickets. Like many others I felt quite a lot of anxiety over the process, particularly exacerbated by waking up at 2.30am. It wasn’t a great way to start the day.

That said, I’ve had two festivarians offer tickets and thank you so much, you are beautiful. Of course, I wanted more than one ticket because I was buying for friends too. I hope that there is a way to address this.

Change can be hard.

Looking forward to hearing the artist announcements because I will be there, try and keep me away!

And, oh god, we still have Nightgrass and the usual search for the Holy Grail Of Greensky High school tickets

Similar story as many. I logged in immediately at 8:00:01 Mountain time into the waiting room. As soon as I received the ‘You are now in line’ message I was 1608 in line…I knew it wasn’t going to be good. :bash I did eventually make it to checkout…tried TP and WP tix. Did the 4, 3, 2, 1 tic reduction. No luck. I also got kicked back once to the page stating tix were not on sale yet. Not that it matters but I did like the lottery system better. The element of luck involved was kinda cool, but more important than that, there really wasn’t an easy way to ‘game’ the system. That was the deterrent that cut out the riff-raff for the most part. I felt like I at least had an equal chance to score tix. With this new system, Ticketmaster, et al I just don’t have luck for shit. Whether its due to my wireless or ISP service speed, my lack of knowing the tricks to ‘increase’ my chances with net browsers or what…it rarely works out. Congrats to all that did get their tix! I hope festivarians did end up with every last one of them. At least then others of us will get blessed with the opportunity to get tix in the upcoming weeks, months! Of course, when you look in the tic exchange/swap forum and see Telluride Tom, Maple Al, etc…that is a real bummer.

We keep making things more complex and those who love complexity thrive. :medal

I think that the general consensus of us Festivarian’s is that the new See ticket system sucks. The best part about the town park is the community it fosters. Over the 32 years that I have made the journey to Telluride the thing that makes this festival stand out from all the others is the family feeling that we have developed. The new system seems like a corporate takeover. We love to look out and be helpful to our fellow Festivarian’s be they long time friends or first timers. Invite them into our camps and help everyone enjoy our summer festival. And when we lose our friends, John Wood and Jerry Lunsford among others it’s as though we lost a family member. The Planet Bluegrass folks like to point out that they are great at hand painted signs and getting great music besides fostering a respect for our environment. And they do a great job for the most part. Among our small camping group of friends we all logged in yesterday with my 561 being the best number. I tried for 4 tickets then went to 2 when it said they were unavailable and did get the two tickets. So it looks like the decision to not try for 3 first allowed me to get my tickets in front of folks with lower numbers. But if you can’t find extras for your friends it would take away the best part of the festival. One can find great music at a lot of festivals but none of them have that felling of family that Telluride does and if that disappeared then the best part of Telluride would as well. So I hope we all continue with what makes it the best festival and look out for each other.

Ultimately, I hope this system is successful but it’s difficult during a work day to log in 45 minutes early, hang out, and see a message that there (as of 9:09 a.m. MST) more than 2,000 people in line. It’s hard to tell how quickly the queue moves and you have to hope for the best that things will work when it’s finally your turn.

Good luck everyone.

I am concerned for Festivarians with this new system. I am glad to have scheduled open time this morning to get in the queue prior to the 9 am MDT opening; was slotted in the low 300’s. When I got in, it said 5400 4 day passes remained. The checkout process was smooth and successful (following PB’s advice to create a SeeTickets account ahead of time).

But with a queue of 3000+ folks, I imagine that 5400 available tickets will be exhausted well before the queue is cleared.

Compared to the past couple years, where 4-day passes were available past the initial 9 am rush, I wonder what is happening this year? :huh


… but everything seems to have worked out. The queue went from more than 2,000 to my turn in less than 15 minutes so I’m impressed.

Good luck everyone.

You can go straight in now and buy 4 day passes. There are still 2000+ left. I would imagine that all 3000 of those folks weren’t going to buy passes. With a group of 4, they might all log on to get in line but once someone scores the other 3 drop out. And some are just buying a day pass or two, etc. So looks likes as long as you don’t wait too long, 4 day passes should be easy enough to get.

Thanks, KMurf. Good to know that not tickets are available for those who couldn’t swing a change in their morning schedule.

Here’s the semi-official report from Kamp DukTape.

Despite my phone blowing up all morning, and the fact that one of our Kampers apparently needed to be coached on how to use the internet at 8:59:59am yesterday, our success rate was about like usual. Some people got tickets and some people didn’t, but in the end I believe it’ll all work out.

Some people in our group had an incredibly frustrating morning with the new system, and others logged in and scored tickets with no waiting, sweating or worry.

When the line situation in Town Park changed, we all freaked out a bit, and then we figured out the new line. I think we’ve all done our freaking out about the new See Tickets system and ultimately we’ll all be back in June, camped in the same spot, surrounded by the same people, and engaging in the same shenanigans we’ve always engaged in.

I’m breathing a huge sigh of relief today, and I realize it could have gone much worse for KDT, but either way, for 2020 at least, we’re off and running.

See you all in Town Park in 6 months!

Off and running in a Chicken :rooster: suit! :lol :pirate

Not really feedback for the sale process in general, but with the big jump in price over what was already getting to be an expensive ticket, I sure would be nice to have a 'teen ticket’s that is cheaper than full price. When the kids start passing 12 it gets a little cost prohibitive to bring a family. I only have one teen. A family with 2-3 teens is $2k plus or minus just for tickets with camping. That leaves a lot of families unable to come or at least not able to come as a family.

I agree with your post … in as far a the offering of discounted TBF GA tix for teens. Kinda like the model used by the ski resorts. Many (or most) of us here haven’t had the opportunity to camp during the fest (a substantial savings in lodging!)… and stay in condo’s / rentals in town of T-Ride or in Mtn Village … lodging alone during the festival is well over over 2K these days (if staying in town – MAYBE a little less in Mtn Village) … and that doesn’t include the ticket price.