Madison here from Planet Bluegrass. Now that we are halfway through our first on-sale experience with See Tickets, I wanted to reach out to see if you had any feedback/suggestions for last-minute communications we could send out to make our Telluride on-sale on Wednesday/Thursday go successfully.
Would love to hear what source was most effective for you (our website vs. our newsletters vs. social media etc.), what you found confusing, and tips/tricks you found useful while moving through the Folks Fest, Academy, and RockyGrass camping on-sales.
Overall, I was pleased with the process for Folks and Rockygrass.
I posted about this on FB earlier and the issue was resolved but it may be worthwhile addressing up front for the TBF sale: when I got the e-mailed receipt for my RG tickets, there was a $13.60 fee included even though it wasn’t actually charged to my card.
Also I just e-mailed Geoff asking how to transfer tickets because I don’t see a way to do that in the SeeTickets portal but he has not yet responded - I’m sure plenty of other folks are going to be curious about this.
I created a walkthrough of the purchase process for my crew after the Folks Fest sale. Sending a step by step to folks could prove helpful.
Thanks for your feedback and quick response! Much appreciated.
I’ll chat with my team about distributing info about the fee glitch on the receipt as well as the purchase process PDF - sometimes, sharing too much information is like shooting ourselves in the foot! If we do share the purchase process screenshots, do you mind if we distribute the PDF you put together?
As for the transfer process, I’ll save Geoff the trouble of responding and address here:
“If you are transferring to friends/family, there will be a way to do that through See Tickets. You can transfer tickets but also have the capability to take them back. That is why it is only for friends/family. I have not seen that system in action yet since we only sold our first tickets today.
If you want to transfer to a random without the ability to revoke, we are planning on putting a system in place where once you find a buyer, we will send them a one-time use code to purchase the ticket(s) through See Tickets. Once the purchase has been made, the seller will then be refunded. One advantage of this system is that it should discourage scalping since the buyer is paying regular price from See Tickets. Again, I have not seen this in action yet.
Where did you hear there would be a fee? As far as I know, there will not be one.”
I saw that response but my question remains unaddressed. I do not see a way to transfer tickets on - I’m able to view a receipt but cannot determine a way to transfer them to a friend.
You’re welcome to use the pdf. If you’d like, I’d be happy to take my camp logo off (it was really only intended for use by our camp) and shoot it over to you in word format so you can add your logos.
Thanks for testing for us! We chatted with See Tickets and learned the following…
For all Print@Home tickets, the Details button should show automatically
For all Will Call tickets, the Details button should show automatically
For RFID events where the delivery method is USPS First Class Package Tracked, the purchaser will first need to call See Tickets to switch their order to Will Call (BEFORE the wristbands have been shipped). This is because there is a shipping address associated with your order, and See Tickets needs to make sure the wristband holder’s correct shipping address is linked to their wristband.
Some things to note…
If you selected USPS delivery, you’re still welcome to hand over physical wristbands to your friends and family and will not need to “Transfer” the ticket to them using the See Tickets platform. However, in the event a member of your party loses their wristband, in order to replace/reissue at the festival, the original ticket buyer will need to be present at the box office with their ID and credit card in order to verify the order. If you DO use the See Tickets Transfer feature, members of your party will then be able to present their own credentials to verify ownership of the wristband.
What about the system Geoff referenced? “If you want to transfer to a random without the ability to revoke, we are planning on putting a system in place where once you find a buyer, we will send them a one-time use code to purchase the ticket(s) through See Tickets. Once the purchase has been made, the seller will then be refunded. One advantage of this system is that it should discourage scalping since the buyer is paying regular price from See Tickets.”
I feel like this is one of the most potentially beneficial reasons for moving to SeeTickets. Allowing folks to transfer tickets without a system like this in place negates this benefit.
The system that Geoff mentioned will still come into play if someone needs to transfer their ticket to another person they don’t know personally.
We are working out some of the final details on that process, so it’s not available quite yet. Expect to see some formal communications soon that line out the specifics!
Oops. Posted on wrong thread! Overall I think Rockygrass on site went very well. A couple of members from our “family” were a bit confused as to what icon to click on for on site camping tickets. I believe there was one called Rockygrass Extras, so perhaps a way to direct people to icon for vehicle passes etc. vs. icon for TP camping, WF camping etc. may be helpful. Best of Luck festivarians on the 11th! :wave
So…12/10/2019 on the See Tickets site there is not a listing for the Telluride Bluegrass Festival when I search “bluegrass”. It looks like all other Planet Bluegrass events (Rocky Grass, Folks Festival) are listed but not TBF. Please guide me!
I don’t mind losing a lottery to real people, but if I can’t buy Town Park tickets and yet suddenly see HUNDREDS of them available at inflated prices thru the ticketing “agencies”, I’ll be very upset.
I went thru the RockyGrass ticket sale this morning and there was NO way for SeeTickets to know if I was a scalper, a bot or a real person. If nothing but scalpers win, Town Park could be less full, only occupied by people who can afford the “$1,070” ticket I saw today on a ticket website.
I truly hope this works out, but I have a feeling that we normal, real people may be in trouble this year.
When I click on the link, I get a message that says: A password is required to buy tickets to this event. If you’d like to see more info about this event, please enter the password below.
Will this prompt be gone tomorrow or is there a password I don’t know about?
Also now on the See Tickets site there are two options for Telluride, both say they go on sale on the 11th. One is Telluride extras, which one will we need to choose if we’re seeking Town Park camping?
Based on what they did with Rockygrass I would think that the option that is listed as Telluride Bluegrass would be where we will find our town park tickets not the Telluride extras.
I was just on the SeeTickets site, and after entering a search for ‘Telluride’, the Festival and Extras links both state that tickets go on sale tomorrow (Dec 11th) at 9 am MST. I’d already planned to work from home on the 12th to be able to secure tickets …so … which is it? Do TBF General Admission tickets go on sale tomorrow??? or on Thursday?