Emotional Support Dog?

I am a veteran with PTSD. I have a letter from my doctor prescribing an emotional support dog. My dog is also a registered and insured therapy dog that helps other veterans, seniors, and children. I am a responsible owner and will obviously take care of my dog pick up after him. His discipline is excellent. Would TBF allow such dogs to go into the venue and high school camping grounds? He does have tags and a vest identifying him as such.

I would recommend calling Planet Bluegrass directly. See you soon, and thank you for your service.

Toll-free 800-624-2422
Colorado 303-823-0848

I love dogs and at Fest it is very hot and very crowded. It would break my heart to see a dog in such conditions.

You do realize this is a service dog???

Service dogs are allowed, so I would say yes.

Yes I do but think it is still unhumane to the dog. No trees, hot, dust, crowded…

I am super sensitive to animals and it ruined my time once I was so concerned for a poor ol hot service dog. face close to all the dust with no shade. Heartbreaking.

I think what Landshark is saying is, if Planet Bluegrass approves your pooch as a service dog, then please be cognizant of your animal’s comfort. We’ve had a seeing eye service dog in camp for years and she has a great time (free bacon)!

Thank you :cheers

London and Promise sometimes forget their jobs because of all the free bacon :rolleyes Can’t wait to see them both again someday.


Promise is retired, so she won’t be making the journey to TBF again. Maureen got a new hearing ear dog.