Hey everyone! I am wondering if any of you have any recommendations for solid earplugs. Is it worth it to get custom mold? Can I get away with just wax ones? Any thoughts are much appreciated. Thanks everyone!
I find the mix at TBF to be non earplug required. Ive tried a few fancy earplugs, none that required wax, or anything custom, except they had an assortment of various sized silicon plugs to go over the base. For babies I’d suggest having over ear headphones not earplugs, but for adults unless you are extremely noise sensitive, I’ts really not an in your face lopud mix through the soundboard. In fact I’d say somehow, amazingly its the perfect mix no matter where you are standing.
Hi Patty,
Love the name, very Irish and yet, outdoorsy…
anyway, earplugs are very personal and rarely shared, but I’ll share this- and I assume you mean for sleeping,
I like the silicone type like Macks, very moldy (in the good way) with good sound dampening.
Haven’t used custom because I’m cheap and haven’t used the foam kind since having to dig one out with a tweezers around 3am back in 2009 under mild stress
Mack’s has been good to me since. Happy zzzzzzzzs
If I remember correctly, the first aid tent has free earplugs if the noise gets to be too much for you. :flower
Last year there were foam earplugs in the first aid tent, fersure. Also, Planet’s merch tent was selling some sweet earplugs at the registers, as well. Don’t remember the brand off hand, but I still use em, and they work real good, dontcha know. Or no? Whadya say? :cheers :flower :headphones
Oh ya - I think those were either Vibes or Eargasm brand. I have the vibes and they’re amazing for shows. Not so much for sleeping…
Agreed. The cheap foam plugs, that are usually free, are better for sleeping, IMHO. :thumbsup
My wife uses a pair of the planet earplugs, they are Vibes brand. She loves them and carries them in her purse wherever she goes. She would agree they aren’t good for sleep. She sleeps every night with a foam earplug in whichever ear is not pillow side.
I like the blue silicone ones. Not a big loss if I lose in the dark.
Just a quick note that we’ll have the Vibes earplugs in the merch tent again this year.
They are a great, affordable option for those wanting to hear the music well while also protecting your hearing!
Thank you all for the suggestions!