I live out of an RV with my best friend, Dill. The place I’m staying won’t allow dogs. Does anyone know a good dog sitter in town, or has anyone found boarding options during the festival?
I know of a great one, I think they are in Ophir…but well worth the beautiful 15 minute drive out of town to house your dog in a great atmosphere…assuming that they are friendly around other pets, this women doesn’t take bully’s.
Is your dog friendly?
Interested in this as well. I have a very sweet 12 year old Aussie who LOVES other dogs and people and gets along with everyone. Can you share your friend’s info? Thanks!!
Also interested!
I took the following shot of a dog on the county road in Ophir on June 7, 2019 … near the entrance to above referenced location.
I did not file a formal complaint this time, but had about a year ago when a pack of dogs were outside nearby.
I have no reason to believe this is intentional or any form of consistent gross negligence. Likewise, I have nothing personally against the operator & believe she is likely a good border in most respects. However, I was opposed to this operation from the get go … in that it’s located at the choke point of a wildlife corridor in the Ophir valley and is situated directly alongside a well traveled county road.