Dog boarding in Telluride

Hi all, My super sweet dog was recently diagnosed with lymphoma and only has about 2 months left. I don’t want to board her in Flagstaff, in case she starts to decline while we’re gone. I’m looking for a place to board her in Telluride during the festival so I can take her with us, but have a safe and relaxing place for her to stay. Anyone know of any boarding facilities in Telluride? Thanks so much.

Sorry to her about your dog’s diagnosis … I know it can be tough!

I’m not sure if they’re still in operation, but there was / maybe is a boarding facility in Ophir … who specializes in older dogs. I was actually opposed to the operation being located where it is … in so far as being the “choke” (narrowest section) of the valley & having the potential to disrupt wildlife egress through this corridor. My personal objection to the location aside, I’ve heard good things about how they care for the dogs. But again, not sure if they’re still in operation. Here’s a link I found to the Telluride Vet Clinic’s list after doing a quick search:

You can probably call the Telluride Vet Center to see about the Ophir location (Harley Brooks Hitchings).

Otherwise, I’d recommend to stay away from Wash-N-Watch Dogs if they’ve somehow risen from the ashes (and I don’t even want to go into why).

Best of luck!

I am sorry to hear about your dog not doing well. My heart breaks for you. I hope you get more time and love with your furbie.

Thank you So much for this subject matter. I have an old dog at home who I Love with all my heart. The plan so far is to keep him at home with a sitter. However, if he declines any farther I will stay home or try and arrange for him to have a safe caring place close to T-ride. Thank you FOM for the information.

I am so very sorry about your dog. I too have a 13 year old service dog that I COULD bring with me, but I don’t want to subject her at that age to the heat and the stress of being in camp. I would not even try to take her into the festival grounds, too hot and too crowded even though she is a seasoned festi-dog. I stayed last year at a place in town where there was another dog so it was very nice for both of us. In the past my husband cared for her, and after he died I had people stay here with her but I don’t have anyone lined up yet this year. I completely understand the need to be close as I and my dog both have severe anxiety when separated for too long. We have another service dog (guide dog) in our camp but he lives in a city and is more used to crowds and is much younger too. Please give your pup an extra belly rub for me, and you too Kara to your sweet boys. I’ll see if I can find out any info that can help you.