Does anyone have video of Brandi Carlile's set Sunday 6/23/19?

Brandi’s set Sunday has to be one of my top 4 performances in my lifetime.
Awesome! Sure hope I can find video.

Hey Fred,

This is all I could find so far:

EDIT: Another good place to look will be - there’s a chance something could pop up eventually:[]=year%3A"2019" (you may have to copy and paste that link rather than clicking on it as this PHP based forum doesn’t like that link format)

I see her brother, two nieces and nephew on the right.
Also Molly Tuttle and others.
That video was about where we were standing.
Her set was the best for my taste in the last 10+ years!

this was the highlight of the festival to me. tears, tears of mostly happiness but some sadness because the festival was over.