I love that the lottery opens around the same time we start stripping down and going out in thongs and TShirts again…I now associate Telluride with summer in Australia. It’s a winning combination.
Last night I dreamed that I was at Telluride and in my dream Billy Strings was playing with Greensky on the main stage ( this is a pretty amazing dream because I have never actually seen Billy Strings). At the end of the set ( remember this is a dream) Dolly Parton came out and joined them.
Now I know this is one crazy dream but wow, how cool would that be?
And on a side note, I just bought a new Bobbi Brown lipstick called TELLURUDE.
Dreaming about Billy Strings gracing the same stage as Greensky is not as crazy as you think. Our favorite band is having Billy as their opener on parts of their winter tour. We’re counting the days until January 25 in Boston!
Here you go, Leslie. Favourite part in this video is about 3.55, when Billy keeps holding that note, Paul tries to sing with him, then just gives up and starts laughing. Enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJEhrXZv00c
Well it has to come true when two wise and wonderful women dream it, see you down the front when Billy and Greensky play main stage…in fact, I reckon we will find a way into the posers pit if this dream comes true! Oh I cannot wait to see everyone again.
Well it has to come true when two wise and wonderful women dream it, see you down the front when Billy and Greensky play main stage…in fact, I reckon we will find a way into the posers pit if this dream comes true! Oh I cannot wait to see everyone again.
Sounds like a solid plan to me! :cheers
Passport, you and I have a standing arrangement to dance together at Greensky. Imagine if Billy Strings joins us. Oh man, I’m so ready for Telluride, let’s go!