Did anyone else come up empty for TBF 24?

We had a crew of 8 long-time Festivarians enter the See Tickets queue today, and we all got hosed. The best spot we had was around 1,300 in line. Did not get our needed tickets. Were hoping for Town Park or Warner where we usually camp. Anyone feel that this new system is not working the way it should? (We had no luck last year either, but I thought that may have just been an off year with high demand due to the 50th.)

It seems like it works ok. I know quite a few that were able to get Town Park tickets this year. And I know quite a few that didn’t. I will agree that last year was a mess because demand was so high.

Even with the old lottery, i know a few that went many years and never got selected. Between our two household entries, we won twice in 6 years. I think demand goes up every year, but for the most part it seems to work ok. The lottery now is just the queue and random numbers instead of sending in your entry and hoping for the best.


I will say that this year there doesn’t seem to be near as many posts from people who missed out and are looking for tickets And the forum is pretty quiet, where in the past it was full of posts by pepple complaining they missed out or things didn’t work probably. Based on that, it appears that things went pretty smoothly. Doesn’t seem like near as many people missed out compared to the last several years.


If you’ve been coming for a while and have scored every year, you’re definitely a lucky duck!

Don’t worry, watch the for-sale posts on the ticket exchange section and I guarantee you’ll find what you’re looking for eventually :slight_smile:


Sorry to hear. That was our experience last year but this year we drew a lower number. I honestly think new system is working better. There are far fewer bots and hopefully the scalpers were given a tougher time. The good news is that Planet is going to check the ticket sales and return tickets if purchasers are found to be scalpers. Good luck, have faith, you will get there


I pre-registered and yesterday I waited, and waited and waited. Never heard from them. What did I do wrong? No email? Nothing!

You may be on their ‘unsubscribed from Planet Bluegrass’ emails list. My kid was in that group, and when we called they said she had been approved, she just never got the email since she had said she didn’t want to receive emails from Planet Bluegrass. If you didn’t receive anything at all, whether approved or denied, and you don’t have anything in your SPAM folder, my guess is that would be what happened. We had them add her back and she did then receive the email yesterday morning. There are still tickets available, and camping at Lawson. You can call Planet Bluegrass and they can give you the password and you can still go in and purchase tickets.

They shared that If you unsubscribed to PB emails/the email bounced. Make sure you are subscribed to our email list so you don’t miss important things like this!