Denver to telluride?

hey! im not from america and am wondering if someone could point me in the best way of getting from denver to Telluride!


There is a long thread on driving from Co Springs
Click Here:

Other wise just :hop on I70 to Grand Junction, Turn south to Ridgeway, Turn Right and go to Placerville, Turn left and follow the road up into the Valley :thumbsup

:cheers :cheers :cheers :cheers


I’ve lived out here a couple years now and I know something of the lay of the land, not as much as some though.

Hippie has you on the Bestest-Fastest route, I’d say, and it’s a good route. Hippie’s route maximizes time on the Interstate, which means you can go 80 mph for long stretches and make good time.

If you’re looking for Best-Backroads-At-A-Leisurely-Pace routes, I can’t tell you “the best”, but you might want to consider one of these options (and I haven’t digested the Colorado Springs thread, so please forgive any redundancies or contradictions - the IMHO modifier applies). The back roads are much slower, with passes and sharp curves that sometimes require much slower speeds.

Working from this map of Colorado:

  1. Starting with hwy 285 out of Denver, connect these dots: Fairplay-> Buena Vista-> Montrose-> Ridgeway->Telluride.
  2. Starting with Interstate 70 out of Denver, get off on hwy 91 just past Frisco and connect these dots: Leadville → Buena Vista-> Montrose-> Ridgeway->Telluride
  3. I know I’ve gotten off Interstate 70 near Glennwood Springs and made it down to the Telluride area, but sitting here right now I can’t pull up the exact conditions of that territory, so I won’t speak to it right now.

Also, since you’re coming some distance, if you have the time you might want to putter around the area right around Telluride. Ouray isn’t on the way for your route, but if you’re doing the San Juan Skyway loop (highly recommended), it’s a good place to spend a night.


thanks for the replies, just to clarify- im looking for bus routes. im backpacking so i got no car lol :slight_smile:

Your first stop should be the ride board:
Festivarian rides - Click here

Amtrack is an amazing trip to Grand Junction, as is greyhound. There is a shuttle service between Grand Junction and/or Montrose to Telluride. Telluride Tm can fill you in on the shuttles.

Your best chance is hooking up with another friendly festivarian on the ride board.


Check out this area of the forum:

Hitching a Ride

You might be able to get a ride as opposed to taking the bus

It looks like Hippie and I were on the same wavelength at the same time :thumbsup

Great minds think alike :wave
or was it
we’re all great in our own mind ?

Something lke that, CAN I GO YET ? :hop

cheers guys much appreciated

if you are still getting the bus, you can buy a ticket from Denver to Montrose. once in Montrose you could walk to 550 and hitch up to Telluride without a problem. or wait for the bus to Durango and hop off at Ridgway and hitch from there, easier.

There are basically two major players in US ground transportation, such that if you hear “bus” you can generally think Greyhound, and if you hear “train” you can generally think Amtrak. In different regions you may have more options, and within cities and metro areas and popular destinations there are generally more options that might include buses, trains, and shuttles of some kind. But for city-to-city or cross-country type travel, Greyhound and Amtrak are the main providers.

You could fly from Denver to Montrose or Grand Junction or one of those other “big” towns around Telluride. Don’t major airlines service Montrose? That might be surprisingly affordable if you’re among those whose currency is having it’s way with the $USD.


thanks for the replies, it all helps hehe

I’ll be in San fran prior to all this, should i try and get to Montrose rather than Denver? i know that flights ive looked up all seem to go through Denver so i was working with that. Id be more than happy to get a ride with fellow festivarians though ^^

Being a curious fellow I checked a couple sites and found that for Sun to Sun over Fest Week, flying San Fran to Montrose round trip is about the same as coming in to Denver :thumbsup - I’m glad to know that! Further, according to going San Jose (just south of San Fran) to Montrose gets the numbers down to $250USD :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup.

Fares change all the time. Roll your dice and good luck!

The Dude, though a noob to this Forum, is clearly quite A Dude, and clearly not a noob at all. Nice job with the flight beta, Dude. :thumbsup

I’m tempted to drive from Albuquerque to the Bay Area and catch that cheap flight just to take the scenic route

Good thinkin Bevin - What a great trip hh has going, huh?

While on the subject, two of my buddies and I will be flying into Denver Thursday AM and driving the I-70 route from Denver to T-Ride to get to the festival ASAP.

Any specific suggestions on where we can stop to purchase supplies (e.g. morning munchies, camp chairs, reusable coolers, etc.)? And further, does anyone know where I can get Oskar Blues’ Dales Pale Ale? I can’t get it in Ohio, and I’m craving it.


There’s a Wal-Mart in Montrose that will have most of the stuff you need.
I’m not sure, but the liquor store next door may have Oskar Blues. :cheers