Dates for 2009

Hello! I am thinking about next year. I was wondering if anyone has any idea what the dates will be. Thanks :slight_smile:

June 18-21, 2009 :flower

I’d start planning now…
The Town Park lottery will be next month. :thumbsup

Hello Tom! Well I just booked the time off and the flights are ooking quite favourable if I fly direct so its all looking like its going to happen again.Oh God!
This year it will be called TWICE…there was a fan…

Hey you are a wise guy, very funny, you mean, again don’t you?
Would love to get to meet you this time round. :flower

Hey Lenny!!! Can’t wait to see you again!!!

Let’s pray that the lottery will be favorable to you! :thumbsup

I get it! There was a thread last year called:
ONCE… there was a fan :lol

Good News, Lenny!!! Can’t wait to see you again!

Auntie Hope :pickin :green

It hardly seems 5 months since I saw you all (well nearly!)
You will have to give me a shopping list as I will likely fly out direct.
Exciting times indeed…

Bring booze! And peanut butter!

single malt and another cool black t-shirt :wink:


Can’t wait to do it all again in 2009… coming into the beautiful state of Colorado from CT… this will be my second Telluride and I couldn’t be more looking forward!!

I could be out of Manx Knobs by next June! :lol

Auntie Hope :pickin :green

That’s what she said.


:lol :lol :rollin :rollin :lol :lol I needed that,did he say Manx Knobs? :dog

:lol It’s CANDY from The Isle of Mann! :lol

SUR… and the rest of ya TOO! :lol :lol :lol

Auntie Hope :pickin :green

(love the drum shot!)