Hi Friends- I need to plan my morning out for TBF ticket day. That means limited coffee (too stressful) clear my calendar from 8:45-11 MT, make sure I have 3 devices at the ready and recruit my fellow festivarians should I get screen-freezed out.
Any reason to think it would anything other than the first Friday of December? I think that’s been the day for the last couple of years.
I assume you are looking to purchase the standard 4 day pass. If that is correct, I would not be getting stressed at all. There were many, many 4 day passes for sale from your fellow festivarians on the ticket section of the Forum last year. So if you don’t score what you need when the barn door opens, rest assured you’ll get 'em either directly from someone here, or from PG when they sell the returned tickets.
'course the whole process helps increase stoke factor!
Good point PP- But you know, gearing up for that mania and 20 minute sell out is half the fun. There were a ton of extras the past fest and in '15 also, but it was actually harder in years prior.
My guess is 12/2 or 12/9. Can’t wait to be there again soon!
Friday morning and Four Day Passes are still available! This is great! This like the old days. Yesterday morning was still very stressful, but maybe next year I will be a little more calm about getting tickets.