Could I change the name on will call NightGrass tickets?

I’d like to know if it’s possible to change the name on NightGrass tix picked up at will-call. I’d like to enter the lottery but I’m not 100% sure I’m going to the fest, so I want to be sure I can sell the tix if applicable. Thanks!

Planet Bluegrass is about as good as it comes to doing something like this. I would assume you could change a name. Your other option is to have it mailed to you…you will have plenty of time to mail to whomever it going to use it, if nothing else…

Hey Mark, I believe that I slightly mis-remember the facts regarding this topic, which is why Dustin is editing my post. In fact, I only typed the first 4 words of this entire post! :flower

We can change the name on WILL CALL NightGrass tickets only if you call the office. We can do this up until about a week before the Festival.

Once the actual hard tickets are mailed, we are unable to switch them to Will Call. NightGrass tickets are not replaceable, and should be treated as cash.

