Colorado booze question


I have not been to Colorado in years but I do remember something about having to drink 3.2 beer and being very upset. I was wondering if anyone had any info. on this issue, and the status of liquor stores in Telluride.


You may have had to drink 3.2 beer on Sundays but that changed last year. Liquor stores are now open 7 days a week selling full-strength beer. There are, at my last count, two liquor stores in Telluride. One close to the festival and one across town (maybe 4 blocks away).

Count again! :eek
There’s two on the main drag not far from the festival, one next door to Smuggler’s (which is also close to the festival), and one at the other end of town. Then there’s one or two in Mountain Village.

Oh right! I forgot about the one next door to Smuggler’s. I didn’t really count Mountain Village but yeah, they opened a new liquor store last year next to the parking garage and commuter gondola.

please count Mtn.Village. It’s where we are this year. :wink:

What about the grocery stores?? Do they only sell 3.2??


Next Question

Can someone explain the benefit/reason that 3.2 beer is even still made. when you can get normal beer right down the street at the liquor store?


I’m thinking it has to do with a liquor license being required to sell anything but the 3.2%abv beer which grocery stores don’t have. It wasn’t until i moved out of NJ that I was even aware grocery stores sold beer, or gas stations for that matter, which still strikes me as kind of funny.

It could be worse though, I just read that “according to Pennsylvania law, persons must be 21 to purchase or consume ‘non-alcoholic beer’ within the Commonwealth. Persons under the age of 21 caught purchasing or consuming ‘non-alcoholic beer’ in Pennsylvania will be charged the same as if they were purchasing or consuming any other alcoholic beverage. This is also the case in other some states, such as Mississippi and Montana.”

Our master plan is to bring some of our homebrew along and then pick up beers along our drive to Colorado that we can’t normally get. :cheers

Be careful if they find out you are not drinking Budweiser. they might not let you back into St Louis.


Gee, it sure would be terrible to have to stay in T-Ride! :lol :lol :lol :lol :thumbsup

Oh you know you would miss those wonderful St. Louis August days.

I’d miss them like I’d miss a warm Natty Light! :lol :lol Actually, those August dog days are great excuses to go sit in a cool Ozark stream. it certainly takes me to my happy place.

As a fairly recent transplant to CO and as a dude, that’s an interesting question that I’m following. Here’s the venerable Denver WestWord on that:

The story was also a case history in how the independent liquor store lobby has managed to successfully kill every attempt to revamp blue laws since. Microbreweries joined their cause, fearing that if big grocery chains sold booze, they would put small liquor stores – the ones that carry wide selections of local craft brews – out of business.

If that analysis is sound, I’d venture to say that I see some benefit to consumers in that law. Colorado has A LOT!!! of locally crafted microbrews. Really. I mean check out this goodness!

Here’s some deeper history on 3.2 beer in Colorado.

Like others said, if you’re buying in a bar or in a liquor store, and you can do that 7 days a week, you’re not getting an intentionally weakened beer.

I believe it is specifically brewed for the US market where its was perceived that alcohol was a bigger danger to the well being of mankind than owning a handgun.
It stretches back to the “hypocritical area” of the 1950’s :wink: :wink:

A slightly stronger version is now marketed as “Poland Spring”.

Forget about the liquor stores… our camp likes to support the local economy through buying kegs at Smugglers… less trash/recycling, plus its always a good time dragging the little red wagon with the big silver keg back to Warner Field. :evil

3.2 Started during prohibition. Anything under 3.2 % was legal. Unfortunatly that is the only part of prohibition that could not get killed.
