Hello, This is camp “Sunny Side up” checking in. We are usually on the left side over by the second port-a-potties. We have the solar panels and let everyone stop and charge their phones. We will have people from Nebraska, Colorado, and all the way from Oslo, Norway. Stop by and charge up. :wave
I will let my four girlfriends know to stop by and Charge :lol This is their first time camping for the festival and they are
a little concerned. If you see four hotties looking a bit :huh. Check on them for them for me please!
No problem, glad to help out.
Got a bad back like a lotta people. finally scored a vehicle pass for my travel trailer…all is well. !!!
Where’s the premium place to park it on Sat morn? Arriving friday. Wheres a good place to park before Mary E opens Sat???
Thats cool you have solar panels to chg folks cell phones… Maybe next yr after I learn all the ins & outs… Sully
Hey Sully, there will be places-a-plenty then. There is a really big turnaround at the end of the campground that fit’s allot of campers. But there are places all over the place that will work well.
Hey man, this is Ryan from Ilium! I guess we need a camp name… we’re the big group right behind you towards the river. Will be volunteering at Ilium again this year (3rd in a row) and getting there Saturday. I’m looking for a vehicle pass if you hear of anyone with an extra. See you soon!! :cheers
Hey Ryan, good to hear from you! Nice to know you will be back again. :cheers Hope to be in the same spot as last year. Or close to it. :thumbsup
Plan on riding bikes out to Illium probably Wednesday morning and visiting. Hoping to see some of the fine folks we met last year!
Stop by and charge up. Don’t know what my work hours are yet. pretty sure I will be working the welcome tent at the campground.
My wife and I are camping there along with our two friends who are volunteering this year.
By chance is Merethe one of the Norwegians? I have been trying to coordinate buying a vehicle pass but there has been some issues with splitting the tickets up in the PDF, would love to figure out a way to get that done!