Chatham Co Line bonus set

Hi all, been a long time RG festivarian, but just singed on here.

I know that the CCL performance near the entrance made for some logistics problem with the entry/exit area, but I LOVED IT!!! I for one think that concept of having a place where groups can setup and play if they have more than one set in them is GREAT!

On that note: Was there anyone at the Chatham Co Line second performance that was shooting video? Would love to get a look at it. Also, I know someone sitting next to me was shooting video, and got some of our 3 year old daughter dancing up a storm. Would love to see that if possible…



I am so sorry that I missed this. I got there right at the very end…

Yeah, the CCL jam at the entrance was prolly the highlight of the weekend for me. Great vocals, great songwriting, great pickin’, Bring 'em back!

I saw the guerilla CCL show and loved it. Their spontaneity is just one of many reasons why they’re one of my favorite bands.

I filmed most of their take of “Handle Me With Care”, which was boatloads of fun.

I’ll get that video posted later in the week.

Here’s that video of CCL’s impromptu set singing Handle Me With Care.

Thanks for posting the youtube link to that video. I really like the sounds of those CCL guys. Friendly and down-to-earth, too.

Hi Josh,

I believe that I’m the one who was shooting the video of your daughter :thumbsup

Haven’t had a look at the footage yet, but I can’t forget that little sweetie dancing like a duracell bunny to the great music in the background… :lol

I’ll post it one of these days as soon as I find out how to do it.
