Charcoal grills at camp

Are charcoal grills ok this year in Town Park or any camp ground this year? :huh

The fire danger in Colorado is EXTREMELY HiGH and the govenor may place a state wide ban on all open fires- this includes charcoal. It means that any flame that is not gas powered and able to be turned off is not allowed.
Please bring gas powered stoves, the last thing that you want is to have a fire in the canyon with one main road in and out.
Just my 2 cents worth…
Have fun!

What Dancin-Feet said. Also, I believe the Planet doesn’t allow them in the campgrounds anyway.

Actually charcoal grills are allowed in Town Park. We are bringing one and plan to use it some - mainly because we like to cook with our dutch oven and it requires you to put charcoals underneath and on the lid of the oven, so we start the coals in the grill and then put the oven in the grill for cooking. That said, you of course need to be extra careful and responsible if you do decide to use a charcoal - like you always should be.

24 hours from now, my car will be pointed towards Telluride!


With the extreme fire danger we are experiencing, and the state wide fire ban we are currently under, you are only allowed to use the metal grills that are established in the campground.

San Miguel County Fire Ban Doc

Please plan to bring gas grills. :flower

Like I said, we always bring a gas grill down because it is so much easier to cook on. Who likes waiting for charcoals to get hot anyways??

Thanks for sharing Dustin, we are already making plans to swap out the charcoal grill with a gas grill.

I’ve been planning to bring my dutch oven and use charcoal to do the same. I don’t see anything in the press release or Town Park Camping Information Brochure that would lead me to believe that this would be a problem. I had no problems using the same setup at a state park campground last weekend.

“Wood fires prohibited. Charcoal fires are permitted in metal grills only”

According to the San Miguel Sheriff press release:

“Fires in manufactured, permanent fire grates or grills within developed recreation sites are permitted.”

What am I missing?

Do they have permanent, metal grills or fire grates mounted anywhere in Town Park that you can use? Like for example in the BBQ area shown in the upper right of the map here:

Edit: I tried calling the Telluride Parks and Recreation Information line to get clarification, but there was no answer.

Sounds like Planet Bluegrass itself is establishing a ban on anything but the grills permanently installed in TP. It is STRONGLY recommended you use gas-only.

I called Planet Bluegrass, and charcoal can indeed be used in the permanent grills at the BBQ area, but space will probably be limited.

Permanently established metal grills in the campground is the important difference here…

You’re not missing anything. Charcoal is allowed in the permanent metal grills established in the campground. :slight_smile:

We are not establishing any additional bans or regulations. The current fire ban (now state wide per the governor) prohibits any open burning or charcoal grills that are not established within recreational areas or on private property.

Here’s a link to the Governor’s web page with information about the statewide ban

Combine what you read there, with this: San Miguel County Fire Ban Doc

…and you have the perimeters of what is and isn’t allowed (note the bullet-ed exemptions, which is what is allowed).

Also keep in mind that the town of Telluride has a permanent city ordinance to ban all open burning/fires, which is why campfires are never allowed in Town Park.

I hope that clears things up a bit…



Got it. Thanks for clearing up. It was the part about “please plan to bring gas grills” that threw me.

Hello Festivarians - :wave

I have one of those permanent metal grills in my camp - campsite #20 by the bridge over the river - you are welcome to use it - although I reserve the right to collect a vig of grilled meat . . . . :lol


Right on Erndog! See ya soon!