“Instead of spreading out your dresses to exclude strangers from a seat…let us offer the seat cheerfully, and gracefully, and commence a conversation with the new-comer.”
—A Manual of Etiquette with Hints on Politeness and Good Breeding by Daisy Eyebright, 1868
Makes ya wonder how the tarp runs were back then…
FOM, that picture there sure looks like some good breeding!
Hey FOM, is that you on the far right? :lol :pirate
I thought he was the one standing. :wave
Actually over the years I have seen Tarp Etiquette evolve to another level of lets say social intolerance.
Introduce yourself is a great start. :medal
Had someone not invented sun screen, we’d all be dressing like that for fest
Actually, we all chipped in and paid the guy who’s standing to run the tarp.
“July 21, 1861: No Picnic – The First Battle of Bull Run”