Can we please all vote on ONE new rule?

First I want to say that I’m sorry for being old - I’m of the age where kids are waiting for me to yell “Get off of my Lawn!!!” However…

We are a freedom loving bunch in Town Park, but one small rule would really help:


OK, I can even amend that with “after 11 pm” or midnight if need be, but last year’s drum circle was difficult to deal with. I can sleep thru musicians, and totally understand that jamming late night is a wonderful TBF tradition. But people banging away on random items, trying to be loud, that’s a different story. Play music all night, PLEASE, but let’s leave the drums, pots, pans, grill tops, garbage can lids and yelling for another festival

It reminded me of the time many years ago when some poor guy in the Primitive Area was teaching himself (quite unsuccessfully!) how to play the trumpet at 4 am, while tripping. He DID have the gumption to walk around to every campsite the next morning to say he was extremely sorry.

I see this thread every year and it always confuses me because I have never seen a drum circle in Town Park. I don’t doubt they exist, but they must be quite elusive. As a trained drummer and frequent participator in drum circles, I advise everyone to know the proper time and place to enjoy such activities and Telluride Bluegrass is not the time or place. Save those for that other festival in June.

I bow to DTM’s dad on this one. He is way more eloquent than I could ever be.

Go ahead Bevin…


There’s a reason we printed these stickers up a few years ago. The sticker alone was sufficient to drive a rogue drummer from the Dome one night, but mainly it gave others the dash of encouragement they needed to confront such rude behavior.

The good ol’ fashioned hippie drum circle has it’s place. That place is not in Town Park during Bluegrass.

Anyone who wants the artwork so they can place an order with should just let me know.

Hippie, we may want to cancel our “12 Hours of Incessant Drumming” event we had planned for Tuesday.

:wave Good morning Hooch.

Damn! I was so looking forward to beating on that big pot at 3am.


I want a sticker to hang off above my chair while sleeping in line.

Ha! That sticker/artwork is awesome Bevin! :budumdum