can there be too many banjo players?

well here’s another.

seriously though, do you think there’s a healthy mix of instrument learning ?

Banjers galore!

“and the banjers shall inherit the earth…”
Psalms 4:20

Is that because the rest of us have moved to Mars? :wink:


How is playing the banjo a lot like throwing a javelin blindfolded?

You don’t have to be very good to get people’s attention.


Is that because the rest of us have moved to Mars? :wink:

Don’t forget Hippie Jerry’s theme song…

“Mars Needs Women”! :dancing

Hope Lin :pickin

Just one more :thumbsup

Still pickin

:cheers got my Clawhammer bum~dity goin’

Squirrel bit picking finger… but as soon as it heals I’ll still be picking.