Camping Question

Back in my single days, I camped Telluride for the festival. I remember by the time Wed would roll around, camping spots would be very tight. Is this how Rockygrass is as well?

My wife and I where tossing around ideas on how to attend Rockygrass this year and she wanted to camp. The problem is we won’t have the time off from work to check in prior to Friday morning. The last thing I want to do is show up with family in tow and find nadda. We live in Denver and can always drive back and forth.

As a picker, I really miss the campground scene and am hoping to find a scenario that would allow us to enjoy Rockygrass without coming and going (I’m not picky about which campground).

Thanks in advance for your ideas!

Depends on where you are camping :slight_smile:

You can’t get on site until Thursday anyway.

Meadow Park will have space, but the river/shade spots will be long gone.

I don’t know about the place in the park.

Pen, if you’re local to Lyons…I would consider getting camping tix
for Meadow Park, and on the Monday leading to Rockygrass, you
can set up your campsite. I did this for a few RG’s myself.

Otherwise, you’ll have “what’s left” come Friday.

you should have plenty of room for a tarp or two

Generally speaking, there is plenty of room in Olsen. Just make sure you have a vehicle pass for the vehicle.


Looking forward to my first RockyGrass! (We just moved from California, where we were Strawberry Music Fest regulars.)

Follow-up question on camping: I just bought camping tickets for Meadow Park, but parking passes were sold out. I’m assuming (hoping!) there’s some lot remotely nearby where I can leave my car?

Thanks in advance for the info!

If you have tix for Meadow Park camping, you’ll be allowed to drive in, park at the edge of the grass and unload. Then you’ll be sent to a different lot for parking, but it’s still not that remote. Folks with day tickets are parked there also, and it’s not too far to walk back to the Fest or Meadow Park, but there’s also a shuttle running on festival days as well.
BTW, I LOVE camping in Meadow Park. Are there any other festivals out there where you can get on an inner tube beside the stage and float back to your camp site?

Well, thanks for the information all but no camping for us this year. My band got booked on the Saturday so I think I’m just gonna drive up on Friday for the day with the family.

I expect lots of pictures and stories though. I fully intend to live vicariously through you all. Happy Festevarianing!

ps - I love making up words.

I’ve only been to RockyGrass 2 or 3 times, and never had onsite camping. My question is: Can you hear the music from the stage in the campground? Also, is there a scheduled dinner break? I sure do miss those at TBF. As we get older we need those dinner breaks, and pretty soon we’ll need siesta time too!

I just read on PB site that the onsite camping doesn’t open until 6 p.m on Thursday the night before RG starts.
Is this accurate? It seems kinda late to get in and get a camp set up and dinner going etc. (At least for as slow as I go these days).
Plus that seems like it would add to traffic congestion at that time of day. Sure would be nice if they would open up around 1 or 2.
Powers that be, any possibility of that? :flower

Unfortunately they have to give the Academy people time to pull up stakes if they aren’t staying on site for the festival, thus the late entry for the rest of us. :eek
It does tend to be a cluster &%$* getting in, setting up, and leaving to park at that time of day. :lol

you can not hear the music very well from the front campground… the one that is closest to the entrance. The tent camp only place that is off to the side may and nearer the stage may pick up the sound but I don’t recall.

however, one night back when I stayed in town at a friend’s place, ( more than several years ago) we were walking back after the last act and the encore kept on going. We could hear it for BLOCKS… that was probably a bit unusual.

There is usually a longer break between near dinner time… long enough to find food and bring it back to your tarp or go back to your camp, grab a bite and a jacket and get back.

The music isn’t perfect from the campground, but you can hear it… It’s just not as loud as Telluride.

Quote from: LuAnna

The music isn’t perfect from the campground, but you can hear it… It’s just not as loud as Telluride.

Well, by all means let’s invite Ryan Adams to RG then!


I love Ryan, but that debacle at T-ride was unconscionable!
